so ive been useing windows 8 since it was about a month old, and this always worked this way for me, if im in file explorer looking at pictures and i open one, a window opens for the image viewer then if i go back to the file explorer and click another picture it will open in the same window that the other picture was in.
now when i upgraded to windows 10 it made me use the new win10 photo viewer, it was ok but it always opened pics in a new window. so i found out you could use the old win8 photo viewer in win 10 so i did that, but it still opens in a new window everytime.
is there any way to make each picture open in the same window like it did in windows 8?
See if this helps........................
In the search box, type file explorer options > Enter.
In General tab, under Browse folders heading, put a dot at the box " Open each folder in the same window "> OK when done.
Is that what you meant ?
no that setting was already set like that.
im not very good at explaining things.
like in file explorer, if i double click a picture it will open in photo viewer. but if i leave that photo viewer program open, and i double click a different picture in file explorer, it will open that picture in another photo viewer window. what i want is for pictures to open in the same photo viewer window.
does that explain better? thanks for trying to help by the way.
Yes, that explains clearly.
Thank you.
I have no answer for that.
The only way I do it using either WPV or Photo is to have them in a folder then it will work one after the other by clicking arrow at bottom in WPV.
That way another WPV does not open
On photo app click arrow on the side or do as slide show
If that is not what you are after then sorry cant help you
Please wait a bit for someone to help you.
See post 7Solved How to open multiple images in same instance of Photo Viewer? - Windows 10 blog
ok, thank you.
i really wonder why Microsoft would change that behavior? as i said it worked in windows 8.1 the way i wanted it to.
im really likeing windows 10 but its few things like this that makes me want to go back to 8.1, oh well though.
oh thanks for that link! ill try that out as soon as i can. ill post here if it worked for me. thank you guys so much for this forum, so many helpful folks.
Hope it works.
Add it to your lists of 'necessary hacks' so when the next big update of W10 arrives and resets everything back to the MS way of thinking you will know what to do!!!!
nope. it dident work for me.
sigh, why did microsoft have to change such a "simple" thing?