You can use the Keyboard settings in the Control Panel to change the repeat rate and speed, but this will still repeat the keys but not as soon and not as rapidly.
However, if you want to disallow the keys from ever repeating (without multiple taps), you need to use the Accessibilty Options in the Control Panel.
Start, Control Panel
Choose "Accessibility Options"
(Depending on your Control Panel view, you may need to choose "Accessibility Options" again at the next screen listing Tasks or you may go directly the Options settings below).
On the "Keyboard" tab, check "Filter Keys" and click the "Settings" button.
Select the "Ignore Quick Keystrokes" and click the "Settings" button
Select the "No Repeat ..."
at the bottom of the box, adjust the "Keys Must Be Held ..." time to 0.0 (so the key will still type as soon as you hit it.)