Miss accessories / paint and a few others
paint is not under programs or apps
need a quick way of pulling it up for Ctrl-V
after PrtScn -- why does win10 take away our tools?
or is it that 90% of folks don't know what Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V do?
Paint is listed in the All Apps, Windows Accessoriesgroup along with Notepad, Wordpad and others. Mine shows on the Start button, Most Used list due to the frequency I use it. It can be Pinned to the Start or Taskbar, I pinned mine to the Taskbar.
Attachment 22210
alrighty berton, that is useful, I can find the folder in apps
paint is not there for me , might be my fault that ..
think its in appdata, can't find it .. can you link where it is?
It's in %windir%system32mspaint.exe.
Its there Ztrucker ( and now pinned to taskbar )
an incredible journey .. and now I'm home
so to any dev's on board, don't be shy of mspaint
its one of the best things you've created
be proud of it ..
Until you get used to the new start menu, try looking in the actual start menu folder for All users / All apps
C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
You could create a toolbar that points to the All Users Start menu:Right click the Taskbar
Expand the Toolbars > menu
Select New toolbar ...
Paste the All Users Start menu location into the folder field:C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
Press the [ Select Folder ] button.
You should now have a Programs toolbar on the Taskbar.
Some people find the Programs Toolbar easier to navigate.
That's a great workaround slarty
truth is I don't want to get used to the new start menu
it offers me nothing useful at all, as in above pic
I don't, nor never will use anything in that window
so the 1st thing I'll do with the final windows 10 release is either your method
or some other at getting my programs back in the way i want to see and use them .
Happy with this formula Win 10 = Win7 + faster boot up
Old School
Glad I could help smileye,
When I first installed Win8, I removed (right click a tile/icon, select un-pin from Start) all of the MS 'bloat' from the Start menu, then I pinned what I used most frequently. That essentially gave me what Win7 has for pin-to-start.
With Win10, I've completely revamped the way I organize things.
It's just a matter of personal preference, which ever way makes you comfortable and productive is the correct way
Take a look at Stardock's Start10 which is available as a 30 day trial. Looks and feels just like Start8 which looks and feels just like the Start menu in Windows 7.
These windows 7 shells can be found for free : or donation
Here is a good one : Classic Shell - Start menu and other Windows enhancements