
Clean Install Errors - Bad SSD?

Was using computer like any other day and it became unresponsive. Music was still playing normally but nothing would respond. Couldn't even use CTRL+ALT+DEL. So I turned computer off. Restart wanted to do a 'Startup Repair', that seemed unresponsive as well. Can't get into Windows anymore. Can't seem to do a clean install either. When I start computer it stays at the all black screen with a blue windows logo forever; the one with the circle of dots going around.

Was booting from SSD but do also have HDD. I bought SSD new in November 2015.

I've never had so much trouble trying to do a clean install before. Please help.

Was using computer like any other day and it became unresponsive. Music was still playing normally but nothing would respond. Couldn't even use CTRL+ALT+DEL. So I turned computer off. Restart wanted to do a 'Startup Repair', that seemed unresponsive as well. Can't get into Windows anymore. Can't seem to do a clean install either. When I start computer it stays at the all black screen with a blue windows logo forever; the one with the circle of dots going around.

Was booting from SSD but do also have HDD. I bought SSD new in November 2015.

I've never had so much trouble trying to do a clean install before. Please help.
Hi Alien51 and welcome to windowssh blog.

Think you have a failed SSD? Do you have another drive you can try installing Windows on? If so, grab the ISO from TechBenchand clean install, then see if you can grab your data from the SSD using a SATA/USB adapter or something like that.

Hard Drive Sentinel Std is free on Bits du Jour today. Might want to grab that for future...

Yes. I've been able to install Win10 onto my HDD without losing the HDD files.

Thank you for the link to the HD Sentinel.

I do not currently own a SATA to USB adapter. Is it easier to grab data with one?

I do not currently own a SATA to USB adapter. Is it easier to grab data with one?
Yes, I do it all the time.

I doubt ssd has failed. Probably best just to nuke it

From a command prompt with admin rights, type


list disk

sel disk n (where n is number of ssd - you can usually tell by capacity)

clean (Warning wipes drive completely - be sure you have selected correct drive)


Now try reinstalling windows to ssd, temporarily disconnecting hdd to avoid boot sector issues.

I doubt ssd has failed. Probably best just to nuke it

From a command prompt with admin rights, type


list disk

sel disk n (where n is number of ssd - you can usually tell by capacity)

clean (Warning wipes drive completely - be sure you have selected correct drive)


Now try reinstalling windows to ssd, temporarily disconnecting hdd to avoid boot sector issues.
Ok after I do what you've said I get into Windows Setup.
I select the SSD 'Disk 1'. If I click 'Next' to install I get this error...

We couldn't install Windows in the location you chose. Please check your media drive. Here's more info about what happened: 0x80300002.
If I click 'New' to create a partition I get this error...

We couldn't create a new partition. [Error: 0xa55c0b50].
I do believe my BIOS isn't correctly configured for the SSD.
I also bought a SATA/USB Adapter, so we can try that path as well.

Ok after I do what you've said I get into Windows Setup.
I select the SSD 'Disk 1'. If I click 'Next' to install I get this error...

If I click 'New' to create a partition I get this error...

I do believe my BIOS isn't correctly configured for the SSD.
I also bought a SATA/USB Adapter, so we can try that path as well.
How are you trying to install it.

You are booting from a usb stick or dvd, not just trying to run setup.exe. You have to boot from a stick/dvd to clean install.

How are you trying to install it.

You are booting from a usb stick or dvd, not just trying to run setup.exe. You have to boot from a stick/dvd to clean install.
Yes. I'm booting from a DVD.
Restarting computer, pushing button to boot from DVD, going through setup.

Clean Install Errors - Bad SSD?

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