
Can I reformat using Win7 cd after upgrade if I want; Multiple times.

I was going to try the upgrade. But am really not sure if I should. I run a simulator with many many peripherals connected to it. So if things don't work. Or I just want to reformat my disk in the case of detecting spyware or similar problems.

Can I totally re-format using my Original Win7 Ultimate Disk without some worry of activation issues?

Also, then If I wanted to, could I re-upgrade again to Win10?

Is there a limit on how many times I could do this?
I'm a format Fanboi and reverting back to the original o/s is something i'm not going to do.

Yes, you can revert to Windows 7 at any time.

Once you complete the upgrade to Windows 10 and activate then you can reinstall Windows 10 any time you want. You just can't have Windows 7 and Windows 10 at the same time.

That's not exactly what I'm asking. I do not want to "revert"... this seems a very messy option imo.

Does my win7 License become Null & Void after the upgrade?

I don't want to be stuck in limbo land with activation issues if I just want to fresh clean install off my original Win7 CD. And if I wanted to stay on Win7 if something does not work. I would rather format than "revert".
I'm worried that if I become an "up-grader" I'll be stuck in some loop hole.

I'm not that interested in a duel boot scenario with the same key. I understand that's not possible.

Do any Reps from microsoft troll these blog?
I need a decent answer to my questions. I would have thought this is the best place to ask.............

If you are worried about something going wrong with the upgrade that will put you in "limbo", I'd make an image of the existing installation so I'd know I could restore it if I got in bad jam. Any attempted upgrade carries some risk.

As far as "reformat" goes, you can reformat any drive at any time with any of a variety of tools--with or without using Windows.

Do any Reps from microsoft troll these blog?
I need a decent answer to my questions. I would have thought this is the best place to ask.............
If you're looking for direct Microsoft support, I've never seen it here. I suppose that you can find it on the MS supported blog:

Microsoft Community

Your Win 7 key is not invalidated.

It may be physically possible to use it to dual boot 7 and the 10 upgrade. You're not supposed to do that, but I'm not sure whether Microsoft enforces that at all.

Can I totally re-format using my Original Win7 Ultimate Disk without some worry of activation issues?
Also, then If I wanted to, could I re-upgrade again to Win10?
Is there a limit on how many times I could do this?
Yes. (on the same computer)
Yes. (free before July 29th 2016 - after that you can upgrade the same way and you'll have 180 days to buy a key.)

Answers to all your questions can be found here I think: Solved Frequently Asked Questions about the Windows 10 Free upgrade - Windows 10 blog

Can I reformat using Win7 cd after upgrade if I want; Multiple times.