
Remote desktop not working in Windows 10?

Odd. I use No-ip, and have a registered host name that I have used in the past to connect to my Windows 8.1 system
Since a clean install of Windows 10, I no longer can connect using the MS remote desktop app on my mac to my pc. I have allowed remote connections, and the port 3389 TCP is forwarded on my router per

I have a static IP on my pc, and the static ip on my router points to that forward port. I also disabled windows firewall. Anyone else having issues with remote desktop connections?

Odd. I use No-ip, and have a registered host name that I have used in the past to connect to my Windows 8.1 system
Since a clean install of Windows 10, I no longer can connect using the MS remote desktop app on my mac to my pc. I have allowed remote connections, and the port 3389 TCP is forwarded on my router per

I have a static IP on my pc, and the static ip on my router points to that forward port. I also disabled windows firewall. Anyone else having issues with remote desktop connections?
Did you turn off the Windows firewall?

Firewall wouldn't need to be turned off (though that would lead to confirming), just allow remote desktop connection thru the firewall:

Right click start, control panel, windows firewall, link on left "allow apps to communicate thru windows firewall"

Check remote Desktop and private / public as you see fit, then ok.

It's likely not checked after the upgrade.

Did you turn off the Windows firewall?
Yes. This is a clean install of windows 10

Yes. This is a clean install of windows 10
The windows firewall is turned on by default in a clean install.

The windows firewall is turned on by default in a clean install.
Yes, it is. Whether I leave firewall ON or OFF, it's still not connecting. I went to noip.com, and ran their portchecktool, and it shows 3389 as open, as it should be. I wonder if I need to disable the pin login in windows 10, and go back to password only

Yes, it is. Whether I leave firewall ON or OFF, it's still not connecting. I went to noip.com, and ran their portchecktool, and it shows 3389 as open, as it should be. I wonder if I need to disable the pin login in windows 10, and go back to password only
Do you have Network Level Authentication turned on? The remote desktop app your using on your mac may not support NLA.

Do you have Network Level Authentication turned on? The remote desktop app your using on your mac may not support NLA.
I just unchecked that box on my windows 10 pc. Tried connecting again, and nothing. Weird. Doesn't even get to the point of logging me on. I know my no-ip host (xxx.ddns.net) is valid and updated with my latest ip address, as I have the app running on my windows 10 pc. Very weird.

I just unchecked that box on my windows 10 pc. Tried connecting again, and nothing. Weird. Doesn't even get to the point of logging me on. I know my no-ip host (xxx.ddns.net) is valid and updated with my latest ip address, as I have the app running on my windows 10 pc. Very weird.
Do you have another computer on your local network that you can try and connect directly to your inside IP address? If you can connect there, then the problem is your router.

So if i connect to my internal ip address, i can connect. External, no go still. Small progress

Remote desktop not working in Windows 10?