
How To Find And Delete Unnecessary Files?

Hi all, I want to find and delete files that are taking up space. I mainly want to find large files that I'm unaware of.

I've already run the Windows 10 app "Disk Clean Up" and it deleted about 2GB worth of files.

Any help would be great!

I don't want to install a 3rd party app as this would mean I'm giving the app access to all of my files...

CCleaner is good but it's a 3rd party program. You can do the following yourself:

1. Clear the browser cache for all users
2. Delete the files in c:windows emp
3. Delete the files in %localappdata% emp for each user
4. Unistall programs not needed


I did as you suggested, but is there something else I can do to find large files then decide if I want to delete them or not?


I did as you suggested, but is there something else I can do to find large files then decide if I want to delete them or not?
Yes! Tree Size Free is excellent. It is 3rd party but quite safe to use - just be sure of the files you are deleting. See

As you wish not to install a 3rd party app, just go to Settings>System>Storage and click an view around.
when necessary, it will open File Explorer to view if & when needed.

ccleaner would save you a lot of manual work and time.

As you wish not to install a 3rd party app, just go to Settings>System>Storage and click an view around.
when necessary, it will open File Explorer to view if & when needed.

Wow, this is the first time I'm seeing this feature in Windows 10! I'm checking it out now! Thank you!!!

Wow, this is the first time I'm seeing this feature in Windows 10! I'm checking it out now! Thank you!!!
You're welcome.
There are a lot of... not hidden... but, also not obvious things in settings.

But if I delete "hidden" files isn't it possible for me to delete important files...? :'( :'(

How To Find And Delete Unnecessary Files?