
No Win 10 entitlement on Dell PCs COA sticker "Win 7 Pro OA India"

Unable to get Win 10 entitlement on Dell PCs COA sticker "Win 7 Pro OA India"

I used an answer XML that didnt work too well and had to remove a few fields from it as WSIM would not validate those fields.

Now this is the F up.. Not a single of my Genuine Dell machines has gotten activated. Used this method with fresh Win 10 1511 on an SSD..

Robert5205 May 20, 2016 at 12:43 AM

Well, here's a tip. Stop doing it that way. Do it my way. I've upgraded 250 PCs in less than 2 months part-time.

1. Get an SSD.
2. Get a Win10 ISO.
3. Open PC. Connect SSD.
4. Do a full install of Win 10 to the SSD. Get your entitlement.
5. Reconnect original HD.
6. Repeat with next PC and Goto 3.

[Edited to clarify that I re-use the SSD for each subsequent PC.

Also, FYI, that you must do an install of W10, either in-place or clean, to get the entitlement. Simply booting to an existing install of W10 will not do it.

This is the comprehensive thread where I tested every combination of upgrade/restore:

And this one shed some more light on this:


Why is it not working?

Their has COA sticker Win 7 Pro OA India. Do I need to use a different .ISO for this?
I used the EN-US as most of my machines come from US, but this org I'm helping has these. .

Is there a quick shortcut fix?

Which "flavor" MSDN ISOs do I need to download?

Thanks for responding but I'm concerned there's something to do with the Dell + MS license on these machines. Please tell me who can get this fixed?

---- Anyways, here are the issues I've faced in detail -

So, I was able to get DE rightaway on my US bought SPro 3 + MSDN 1511 x 64 EN-US applied to Separate Partition via DISM with Answer file .xml

I figured a few hours would do the rest so I committed to get it done using Roberts Steps using an SSD. After an all nighter, I am not happy with the outcome but will post some info for resolution before I crash.

To answer your question, I just RDP into a Dell with Win 8 > Control Panel > Languages >en-US. I dont have a Win 7 machine on, but I suspect based on my MCT execution on both, it was selecting en-US x32

Dell Machines - I've got a bunch of Desktops ranging from: Dell Vostro 2xx series to 3902 having "Win 7 Pro OA India" to Win 8 (whose COA sticker I did not see)

Dell Laptops: Vostro 1014 having "Win 7 Pro OA India" and Vostro 3400

- Win 7 -

When I tried to activate, it tried and couldnt connect or had some issues. So I figured maybe if I copy the key from the Win 7 COA Sticker it would help.It did not accept the KEY.

I had a previously downloaded copy of MCT .ISO - Aug-6-2015

Did a DISM Apply Image + answer file to partition with the MCT .ISO as per @Chris suggestion, outcome:

- Default Activation attempt - Nope
- Enter key - WORSE. It says this key is blocked.
- Tried it with another Dell machine. Same.

WTF - Are these some kind of "Second Class Citizen OEM license machines" that Dell + MS has dumped on us?

- Win 8

I do have another MCT .ISO (todays date) downloaded as the Sun was rising and will try that, but please tell me what to do as I cant spend another day & night in fruitless pursuit.

I did not get a chance to try on Win 8 machines but I hope I get a solution from you guys when I wake up.

No Win 10 entitlement on Dell PCs COA sticker