
Windows 10 - slow startup after restart only

Hi there,
After upgrading from windows 8.1 to windows 10,
when i shut down and boot my laptop windows startup pretty fast 8 sec and The login screen appears.
However when i restart windows the bot went well it start to be slow in the loading screen with windows logo 10 sec after that a black screen( if i click or move the mouse the cursor appears) 10-15 sec , after that an other clear blue loading screen with a loading circle in the middle, after that the login screen also take a while to login and desktop too take a while to show properly all the icons and task bar.
And all those delays occur only when i restart windows, this is really confusing.

Windows 8 and 10 have something called fast startup. Essentially, when you shut down, the computer's state is saved to a file (open processes, etc.). When you start up, it restores the state the computer was in, resulting in faster startup. Windows 7 and previous operating systems do not have fast startup, so when you shut down, it shuts all processes down resulting in a slower bootup because they all have to be loaded again. Just think of fast startup as sleep, although it's closer to hibernation. When the computer shuts down or enters sleep mode, the state of the computer is saved. When it wakes up or boots, you restore the state instead of starting on a clean slate and loading the processes again. When you restart, fast startup is disabled because you usually restart to let installers make changes that they can't do while your computer is actively running. Putting your computer to sleep then waking it up again isn't the same as restarting, is it?

I though it was me. Windows 10 startup is very slow. I hope this is soon fixed with a update.

Thx for your answer You,as u said "Windows 8 and 10 have something called fast startup"i don't have this problem in windows 8.1, both startup and restart are fast. And a restart that last around 40sec-1min to login, is that normal or a bug that we must wait for an update or it's a problem on my windows 10 upgrades(configuration, device and driver...)

Do you mean with 40sec-1min that you have a black screen before the login appears? Because that's some bug which also could already happen on Windows 8.1 too, I had it so far on three different machines and never figured out what was causing it.

Hi, 40sec-1min to get the login screen and i never faced this problem in my windows 8.1.
Now i give up and i want to go back to my previous windows using windows.old file,so there is an option in windows 10 to roll back to windows "8.1" but this option reboot my pc without making any changes.

I have been experiencing exactly the same symptoms, from 60 to 90 secs to reboot.
My findings : If I disable bluetooth, the reboot is a breeze. If I turn off the connected mouse instead of turning off bluetooth it is a breeze but a little bit slower. Have tried all alternatives and options that could imagine, but would welcome fresh inputs.

If you upgraded from a previous version, Windows 10 boot will be very slow. Mine was more than 3 minutes when 8.1 was just over one. I did a registry clean with CCleaner and then analyzed the disk with Puran Defrag. The disk was highly fragmented and the registry was in 27 pieces. I did a boot time defrag and optimize with Puran and my boot time was then just about the same as in 8.1.

Similar issue here, I have to stare to a black screen for almost a minute before the desktop appears when I reboot (to install updates for example) fast boot works fine, however.
Posted a thread while on Technical preview and the consensus was "weak hardware and slow HDD"

Hope Dch48 is right if yes, maybe I will try a clean install, but I have no desire to reinstall everything again

It's strange that my netbook boots faster (after a reboot) than my desktop, though

Definitely defrag the disk after upgrading.

Windows 10 - slow startup after restart only