
would like to go to Ubuntu

Hi all, thanks to the downloads on the 24th I have lost most of my programs (kindly listed by Microsoft) , my gmail account remained. I cannot go back to 8.1, but would like to go to Ubuntu. Can someone tell me how to uninstall win 10 . thanks R

no need to uninstall win10, ,if you want to go to Ubuntu ,just boot to its install and format the hdd and install Ubuntu.it should get rid of win10 for you

Correction: First backup all your data to another partition or disk and THEN boot with Ubuntu DVD, delete any partitions (not the one you did the backup on!) and allow Ubuntu to automatically create the Linux partitions for you. The choice to run Ubuntu is yours, but I would like to warn you it is not as easy as using Windows and you will probably regret it. For any help you can Google to find the appropriate reply on Ubuntu forum. Good luck.

Hi all, thanks to the downloads on the 24th I have lost most of my programs (kindly listed by Microsoft) , my gmail account remained. I cannot go back to 8.1,
Just wondering.......
You installed win 10 on Nov24th ?
Why can't you go back to 8.1 ? You have deleted the Windows.old ?

I don't know your computer skill. You probably is well versed with Ubuntu/Linux.
In my case, it has been quite a learning curve.
I dual boot Win 10 Home RTM with Linux Mint 17.2 Xfce, and I have to ask in Linux Mint forum most of the time when I need to make changes.
I would suggest that you find a solution to go back to a working Windows OS first, and if you still want to, setup a dual boot with Ubuntu afterwards.

Yes, I have installed Ubuntu in a virtual machine, just to learning some stuff. I am a computer technician and I am supposed to know some Linux stuff as well. You cannot imagine how annoying is to search Google all the time for the simplest task which in Windows I would do with a few clicks! I recently wanted to upgrade Java to the last version. Common sense says I would download the installer and run it. No way. I read in Ubuntu forum that I needed to load the terminal and then type several commands to include the distribution server, connect and download, and finally install the new version. Very user friendly indeed! I would not recommend Linux, not even to my enemy!

I dual boot with Windows 10 and Mint, I prefer the latter and it's the OS I predominantly use. I've used Linux for at least five years and things become second nature.

That said, My other half runs Ubuntu on her netbook, she isn't technically minded, and she gets on fine with it, then again she only uses it to browse/email/shop and a bit of office work.

That's another reason I prefer Windows. I don't want my computer to be a smart typewriter that connects to the internet. I want to use it for many other things, including gaming and this is hardly possible with Linux.

Wish to remind you that you have a permanent activation and clean install Win Ten seems to be to best solution. After you can dual boot with Ubuntu.

Hi all, thanks to the downloads on the 24th I have lost most of my programs (kindly listed by Microsoft) , my gmail account remained. I cannot go back to 8.1, but would like to go to Ubuntu. Can someone tell me how to uninstall win 10 . thanks R
As I said on my first reply, it would be best if you restore to a working version of Windows OS.
That, in my opinion, is your priority.

As to Ubuntu/Linux subject, you don't even have to install it.
You can simply burn the Ubuntu ISO to a bootable DVD > and use it as a LiveCD. That means you can try out the Ubuntu right out from the CD. Don't even have to install it. Remove the CD from the optical drive and you are back to your Windows OS. Performance might be a bit slower because you are running it from a CD instead of from a hard drive. You can experiment with it till you drop.

wow, many thanks to all who replied to my post. Replying in general, I installed 10 beginning of Aug on new PC running 8.1, it was very unstable from day one, I began to create a manual of "how to use 10" but I gave up when I realized that procedures were changing on a weekly basis. The final straw was the last upgrade, 24th Nov, that removed every item from the Program page (except an Audio driver), 48 in all. These are in a folder, aptly named, Removed Applications, no doubt I could probably reinstall them but I have no faith in W10, and at the moment I don't think it is fit for purpose. Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll settle for using a Linux Mint CD without removing anything, I'm not into gaming, just a user for convenience. I really appreciate all your time and comments, thanks again, roy

would like to go to Ubuntu