Hi guys,
finally made the leap from Win 7 to Win 10 and built a new machine as per my signature.
It's working quite nicely apart from one minor wrinkle with the Samsung 950 pro ssd and rapid mode.
While the 950 pro is fast and bench marks where it should be I can't enable rapid mode for it with Samsung magician version 4.9.7
I have the samsung nvme driver v1.1 installed - or at least I think but cannot see it in device manager properties for the 950 pro. Rather it says it's using the Micrsoft driver.
When I run magician and select the 950 pro it shows ok and says I'm using NVME controller version and a PCIe slot - so everything looks good there.
Thing is when I select rapid mode it only shows the 850 evo and no sign of the 950 pro.
Rapid mode works great on the 850 evo and actually bench marks faster than the 950 pro.
I read elsewhere that rapid mode makes little difference in the real world - so perhaps I shouldn't worry ?
Hope this all makes sense - any ideas ?
Regards Tim
NvMe is not supported in Magician. Thats why you only see your Sata SSD's
aha - as simple as that then.
I'll just leave it set to accelerate my bulk storage ssd then.
Thanks for putting me straight !
NVME is actually supported in version 4.9.7 of Samsung Magician. I know because I have a 950 Pro myself, and also have Rapid Mode enabled....
Magician version 4.9.7
Perhaps the OP is using an older version and this their inability to enable Rapid Mode?
That looks like RAPID is activated for your 850 Pro to me
RAPID can only be activated for one single Samsung SSD on a system.
So it's only set for the 512GB 850 Pro.
Open up the Help in Magician and you will see that 950's are not supported for RAPID:
Indeed, I was just about to post that Cliff. The 850 is clearly using RapidMode, not the 950. Magician clearly says that RapidMode is not supported for the 950 on Windows 10.
Thing is, with the latest builds of Windows 10, I've seen no speed difference between the standard MS AHCI driver and using the Samsung NVMe driver. I'm thinking the new Microsoft driver may be NVMe aware.
I did benchmarks before and after, and before I was getting 2500MB/s sequential reads, just like I do with the NVMe driver.
FYI, to find out if you're using the NVMe driver in device manager, you look under storage controllers.
To get more information about M.2 disks, RAPID mode and other "White Paper's" go here: Documents | Download | Samsung V-NAND SSD
You are correct, I see Rapid Mode is on for the 850, not the 950. That said, it doesn't matter to me as I getting fast speeds anyway. BTW this is on a Z170X system. Haven't updated my specs.
Sorry. Out.
Thanks for all the guys - I think this puts it to bed.