Hey guys,
I´ve been googeling this for a few days and can not seem to find the answer. So here goes...
I have a 2TB seagate barracuda HDD that is not showing up in:
- disk management
- CMD -> diskpart -> list disk
It does show up in:
- device manager
- bios
- Intel rapid storage technology
CPU: I5 6500
Motherboard: GA-Z170XP-SLI
Windows 10
I also tried switching out cables and ports. Same results.
Any help or further questions would be awesome. This is starting to piss me off...
Can you try the HDD in another PC or can you lay your hands on a SATA docking station to test if the disk is a dud or not
I'm assuming the disk is new, has it ever been working before in any circumstances?
1)boot up with a windows 10 cd or usb. YOU WILL LOOSE YOUR DATA
Then type:
select disk "x" (x is the number of the disk you want to format)
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs
2) start with a linux cd
and see if hdd is there.
google seagate firmware
click on first finding and then download manager, there insert the serial of your drive and download the firmware.
I dont have acces to a second PC or SATA docking station atm. This was plan C for me. I can try that this weekend if all else fails.
Going to try the fir,ware update and if that fails the WIN 10 usb. Dont have linux atm so will try that last. I will update if it works/fails.
Thanks allready for the suggestions guys!
1) no joy. Sidenote: during the original windows install a 2 days ago I distinctly remember my 2TB HDD being a possible installation place. Obviously I chose my ssd... When starting the WIN10 install just now, the 2 TB drive is no longer showing up as an install option...
2) linux install recognizes the drive as a possible installation place
3) no firmware update
Im starting to feel that the old fashioned engineering techniques are becoming my last option (i.e.: step 1 -> hit with hammer. Step 2 -> check if problem is resolved. If not, return to step 1)
DEAR MOTHER OF GOD!!! I found what the problem was
For some reason, windows used 20 gig of my second hard drive as a storage pool. I do not know how or why... I certainly did not do it...
When I deleted that storage pool, my HDD showed up in disk management.
Thanks for the advice guys.