
Upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 - Issues!

I have recently installed Windows 10 and have found the following issues:-

I need to use Explorer rather than MS Edge for my CCTV - but when using Explorer the pages freeze up or jump up and down? It seems almost like MS being determined that I will use Edge or else?!?

I wanted Adobe to be my default for PDF files - not MS Edge! It took me a while to get it to stay as the default, as again I found it kept reverting back to Edge - this also happened with my printer!!! I really do not want EDGE to take over everything I do!!!!!!

However ....

PDF files are now freezing on me - refusing to open - opening with all the sizing incorrect? Editing that previously was easily done is now either awkward, difficult or impossible! I don't understand why the OS would interfere with my software?

I use Moneysoft and now that programme will keep freezing up during the first ten minutes of use - then it seems to settle down and operate correctly? Is this the price you pay for installing Windows 10?

I can no longer drag PDF files from my desktop and drop them directly into email messages (I use gmail)?

Really beginning to wonder why on earth I installed this product as everything worked just fine before

I'm on the verge of trying to get Windows 7 back - but worried that this action might cause even more issues. Is Windows 10 just full of bugs, or do I need to spend a day or two researching online, calling MS, etc to try and resolve issues that I now have?

Any advice gratefully received, Maxholt.

What version of Win10 are you on? Type winver in the search box to check. The most recent upgrade is:

This is working quite well in my experience but it may take a few days and a number of updates before your system settles down, which I agree should not be the case but seems to be what is happening. It depends on how you upgraded but I can recommend the route described in the following tutorial if you want to get a clean install.

How to Directly Clean Install Windows 10 without having to Upgrade First

Now that you are upgraded and activated you can of course do a clean install and there is a tutorial for this too.

I found my own system worked much better after a clean install (of course, you will need to reload all your software but the extra time spent is worth it in the long run). Make sure you have backups of all your files.

I guess I am stupid because I cannot even find "start" in windows 10?

I received an email saying I was entitled to a free upgrade - I kept getting the reminders that I could do this and last week finally decided to do it - so I would have thought I would have the most recent version? I just clicked the pop up box to proceed with the free upgrade.

Thank you for suggesting the clean install; however, I won't be able to do that just now as I am running behind with work and don't have the time to back up and reinstall everything from scratch.

Maybe the only solution is try to revert back to Windows 7? Or, maybe give it a another week or so to settle down?

Ah ha, just found my command prompt!

Windows 10
Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.14)

Good, you are on the most recent build. Give it a day or two and check out a few of the tutorials and search on this forum to see if there are things that might help. If the operating system continues to play up have a look at this tutorial:

How to Refresh Windows 10

As many people will confirm on this site a clean install is well worth doing if you have the time and have good backups of your data and any other settings you might need.

All the best,

Thank you Phil

Upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 - Issues!