
Boot windows on a schedule after shutdown

I prefer to have my system shut down overnight rather than sleeping. Is there any way to schedule a system boot at a specific time in the morning? Windows update is able to boot from shut down when it feels like it. Is there any way I can do this, apart from putting my PC to sleep overnight?

How do I schedule a nightly reboot in Windows 8.1? (with video) - Ask Leo!
- should do it

How do I schedule a nightly reboot in Windows 8.1? (with video) - Ask Leo!
- should do it
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately the above appears to be doing exactly what it says - a reboot - by scheduling a shut down and immediate restart. I'm wanting a method of restarting the computer at a later time.

Actually I've realised my original post was confusing. I've edited "reboot" to "boot"

I think Wake On Lan somewhere within Control Panel can be activated, however, I have no idea what software to use to wake up the computer on schedule hours later.

Not as far as I know from shutdown. From sleep, yes.

I think Wake On Lan somewhere within Control Panel can be activated, however, I have no idea what software to use to wake up the computer on schedule hours later.
That's a good point. Maybe Windows Update uses Wake On Lan to boot the computer? But when I look at the BIOS, Wake On Lan appears to be disabled, so I'm confused how Windows Update does it.

I could investigate more, but unfortunately it wouldn't help me. If I wanted to use Wake on LAN, I'd have to use another computer on my network to do it, and I want all my PC s to be shut down overnight

FYI: helpful guide:
Access Your Computer Anytime and Save Energy with Wake-on-LAN

Not as far as I know from shutdown. From sleep, yes.
Actually although I select shut down from Windows, I think Windows may actually use the S4 state (Hibernation). I may be wrong about this. My network device does in fact support wake up from S4, but it's currently disabled. But WOL doesn't help me anyway.

Actually I've just realised I may be able to get the BIOS to generate a wake event directly using Power On By RTC. I'll investigate.

Power On By RTC - yes, from sleep

Power On By RTC - yes, from sleep
I think my BIOS supports RTC from S4 (hibernation), not just sleep. But it depends whether Windows is actually shutting the system down in the S4 state. I need to look at this more. If necessary, I can ask Windows to hibernate rather than shutdown, but I probably don't need to.

Boot windows on a schedule after shutdown