This issue has plagued me since I've transitioned to Windows 8 and up. The Lock Screen feature (primarily ctrl + w) gets in the way of using certain programs. I've tried a few methods, all of which either don't work or stopped working.
Registry Editor
Local Group Policy Editor
And Winaero Tweaker
Is there any other way to disable this feature? It's the only problem I have with this OS. As I've said before, one of the methods worked fine but I feel that an update might have nullified my changes.
Hi Eranthis,
Have a look at THISarticle. Option #2 gives you a Registry option.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with the Registry, but if you look at trying this method, it might be a good idea to set a Restoration Pointfirst.
It is possible the Winaero Tweakerprogram might have already made some Registry adjustments for you, but you'll have to see.
Also saw this quote on the same site, however I am only passing this info on, as I've never tested any of it.Easiest way :
Windows + R
Type: netplwiz
Untick - Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
Yeah, I believe winaero merely makes the registry option easier to do but as I've said, that method is ineffective.
Hello Eranthis, and welcome to windowssh blog.
Double check to make sure that you have secure sign-in disabled. If enabled, you can't disable the lock screen.
Secure Sign-in with Ctrl+Alt+Delete - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
I don't see how any of that would matter. Disabling that feature via Local Security Policy only adds an extra step to the lock screen. On or off, ctrl + w still locks me out.
When secure sign-in is enabled, you won't be able to disable the lock screen using the method below to no longer have it show at sign-in.
Lock Screen - Enable or Disable in Windows 10
CTRL+W isn't related to the lock screen though. Could you please clarify?
When you press CTRL+W in Internet Explorer, it'll close the current tab.
When you press CTRL+W in File Explorer, it'll close the explorer window.
ctrl + w for windows 10 (for me anyways) goes straight to the lock screen (like win + l). A friend mentioned his windows 10 doesn't have this feature so I'm not sure what's causing the problem but I've had it with both windows 8 and windows 10 now.
I don't have it do that in Windows 8 or 10 for me either. Do you have a program installed that may have added the keyboard shortcut??
I can't think of any programs that would be causing it.