Hello all,
I just upgraded to Windows 10 recently, and so far (for the most part) it's working great!
The only issue I have is that some windows won't focus and stay on top when I alt-tab to it or click it, like it did in all other versions of Windows.
For example: I have Chrome open on top, I alt-tab my music player (which is in a small window), and the music player goes in front, but when I click the Chrome in the back of the player, the player stays in front, covering parts of the screen. This happens to multiple programs I run.
Besides this issue, sometimes when I alt-tab to a program, it just doesn't even show up in-front of whatever other program I have currently on top.
Anyone else with these problems?
Yeah I got this problem as well. Strangely not many people seem to be reporting this problem. I've looked through all types of window options and I haven't found a solution unfortunately. I guess some smart fellow has to put together a registry hack of some kind.
You could try doing it this way:
Click Chrome or Music Player (which ever one you want) Lets say Music Player as an example.
Then at the Top Right Hand Side of the Screen you will see Three Little Dots (click on those three little dots) and Select 'New Window'
At which point Music Player will disappear and leave you with an Empty Browser Screen from which you can Surf other Stuff.
Not sure if it works for other Browsers but it does for Edge.
If you've put a Short Cut to Edge on the Task Bar at the Bottom of the Screen, you will see what looks like TWO Edge Shortcuts one on top of the other with a Blue Line Underneath.
Hover your Mouse on those Short Cuts and you will see TWO mini Desktops, which you can 'Hover Between'
But if you 'Click' instead of 'Hover' on either one of them, then you are able to Click or Hover between each Full Sized Version.
You can open as many of these New Windows as you like and Toggle or Click between any or all of them, while your 'Music Player' is Playing, until you choose to Shut the (Window or Mini Desk Top that it is open in)
I'm having the same issues. Rebooting the computer seems to fix it for a short while (half an hour, say). It doesnt happen all the time, and it gets progressivle yworse and worse as time goes on, until you reboot again. Chrome seems worse than others. The only reliable way to switch to another window is to minimise everything and then select the window I want from the taskbar.
I tried your linked fix, but that "Activate Window by hovering..." box wasn't ticked for me.
Mostly, Windows 10 has been painless, but this sporadic inability to switch windows is incredibly time consuming. It's making me miss DOS.
The issue in the end was Displayfusion. Once I turned it off everything was fine. So not a Windows 10 issue but a DF issue, at for me it was.
The bottom option here might have that effect (if checked) depending on your pointer's position:
I'm not using DisplayFusion but I'm still having this problem. When I click to bring up a screen that I've minimised, it doesn't bring it to the front. I'm continually having to minimise all, and then bring up the one screen that I need. It's really frustrating and I haven't been able to find a solution.
Same problem here & I too am not using DisplayFusion.
Sometimes things work while others they don't.
I find that the focus of the window you have just opened being behind other already open Windows has been an issue in Windows 10 since the outset, especially when opening utilities like Regedit, and pop-up windows on opening from 3rd party utils like EasyBCD - that like to check the language you want to use.
It still sometimes has me scratching my head until I have closed or minimised all open windows until that elusive window in the background is visible.