So, after about 2 weeks of experiencing Windows 10 I've decided to revert back to Windows 8.1, since I was more experienced at it. So I followed every step to downgrade the system, waited for about a few hours, then I noticed that when Windows restarted, it somehow went to an "automatic repair" loop. I've tried literally everything there was so I can get it running again, but nothing seems to work. But, there was only one option, in which I feel like an idiot to try out.
I went to Command Prompt and typed in diskpart.exe, then enter. I then typed in LIST DISK, then SELECT DISK SYSTEM, and finally CLEAN. Since I thought at the time that CLEAN works like resetting the PC, I rebooted it again, and I came to an error message saying: No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed.
Is, or will there be any other way to start my PC in a condition like this? If I'm missing any other details then feel free to ask.
when you did the diskpart and listed the disk and select the disk then typed clean... you inadvertently wiped the partition table... not to worry from another system if you have one download Easeus partitoion recovery program the free one... it should let you create a bootable disk with its program on it if not there are other partition recovery programs out there.... some are free some are pay
other than that reinstalling from scratch will work but you'll lose your personal files and documents unless you got backups
Unfortunately, my PC doesn't have any backups that I can recover, but that really doesn't matter to me since all I do on it is browsing the internet while saving my personal files on my flash drive & SD card.
I don't believe I have the drive recovery program you mentioned earlier either... Looks like I'm missing out on a lot of things.
Now you have no OS at all. Fresh Installing Windows 8.1 is the right option it seems.
Did you create the recovery media when you initially got your PC? If so insert that media into your usb or if you made the DVDs insert that then boot to it by pressing esc key when PC first boots up then press whatever key it shows to get to boot options usually it's F9. Then select restore to factory condition. Do not be connected to Internet during this time. Once it gets done restoring download all updates to windows then sign in to Microsoft account and let it sync your apps. After that reinstall reinstall 10 if you wish. Hope this helps
Here is the link to the tool that icpwolverine mentioned. It might find a bootable partition.
Free Partition Recovery Software - EaseUS Partition Recovery.
Also, if you no longer have windows 8 media, you can download win 10 from here and create a bootable USB or DVD, and install. It should activate, just hit skip when prompted for key #'s.
You should be able to contact the manufacturer of your PC and request recovery media if your win 8 was OEM, and you still desire to go back to win 8.
See here: Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 ISO - Download or Create to get a ISO for the version of 8.1 you need.
Burn a DVD or use Rufusto create a flash drive to install from. Create a UEFI/GPT flash drive since your computer came with 8.1, that's what it will have.
Then follow these instruction: Clean Install with Windows 8 Upgrade
Ok, I've just bought a new 4 GB flash drive with the files created by Rufus, and I also have the Windows 8.1 ISO image file in it. However when I boot up my PC while the flash drive is in, it still doesn't do anything other than saying the same error message. However when I press F12, all it comes out is a message saying:
Please select boot device:
UEFI: IPV4 Atheros Network
UEFI: IPV6 Atheros Network
Is there something wrong, or am I missing something?
you trying to install 8.1 or 10 if installing 10
you don't need rufus to create the usb to boot the micorosft downloader does it correctly for you
however if installing 8.1 rufus is needed but the settings have to be right
if you have a gpt hdd settings in image will work
if mbr hdd you need to change that setting
then make sure your bios settings has the ability to boot to usb devices
to check if hdd is gpt or not do this
open cmd prompt as administrator
type diskpart
press enter
type list disk
then press enter
look at the disk 0 there should be an asterisk next to it on the right if gpt
if not then the hdd is mbr
type exit press enter then exit again to close cmd prompt
Sorry for the late responses.
Anyway, I've reconfigured my flash drive to the right settings on Rufus, and now my computer is now fixed. Thanks for the help guys