
Win 10 stuck in diagnostic startup no login window

Hi, I set windows to do a diagnostic startup to try and chase down a problem but... It gets to what would be the login screen ( power, ease of access etc in bottom right) but the login boxes are not there and every so often the screen brightens and try to do something but just stuck! I did have auto login set. Any ideas how to get back to normal boot?

If you power off the machine, and then hold down the shift key while it starts booting, you should be able to enter your alternate boot key to bring up the Windows 10 boot menu. If you can boot into Windows that way, you can boot into a Command Prompt and run SFC /Scannowand/or DISM /online /cleanup-image /checkhealthat the command line. This will tell you if you have problems in need of fixing before resuming normal activity. You might also want to run chkdsk/fon your boot drive as well to see if you have disk issues, too. Please try this, and report back with your results (or lack thereof).

For more info, check out this PCWorld article: How to enter Windows 10's Safe Mode | PCWorld. It shows how to access the Win10 boot menu in a variety of ways, and may shed more light on this subject. If you search the Tutorials here at windowssh blog with a string like "Boot Windows 10 into command prompt" you'll also find lots of useful stuff, too.

Holding shift at startup didn't do anything just boots to the login splash screen without the username or password boxes. Can't get task manager or run prompt

Can you get into the BIOS at all? You may need to disable Fast Startup (or whatever your mfgr calls it). Surprised that Shift key isn't helping, though... You should probably go ahead and fill out your system specs in more detail, so I can start looking for sources of focused help to get you into BIOS. After that, we can have you boot to alternate media and attempt repairs that way, if necessary.

Fast boot is disabled in bios but still not getting any menu/options,. K/b is ps2 and working! Is there a way to change the msconfig from diagnostic start to normal via dos?

I've got into the recovery options via a win 10 usb drive made with the media creation tool, would doing a system restore reset the msconfig boot setting?

Can't do system restore from usb media says I have to choose what windows installation to repair but no options! Also when I boot usb media win 10 it say...
Looks as though you started an upgrade and booted from installation media to continue with upgrade remove media and click yes to perform a clean install click no.

Mine is a win 7 to 10 upgrade, problems have started since i got the anniversary update. Think I'm going to have to do a fresh install :-(

Thanks for your help but I've managed to save my important stuff with linux. Now I'm reinstalling

You had to resort to a more extreme fix than I'd hoped you would, but it sounds like you are well on the way to solving your problems. Thanks for keeping at it: enough perseverance will you past most Windows problems. Good job!

Win 10 stuck in diagnostic startup no login window

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