
Anyone done a dual boot setup of Windows 8 and 10?


I'm getting there, I've downloaded the .ISO file, I've made 2 images of my C: drive (using 2 different backup programs) and I've created a 100 GB partition on my second hard drive labeled Windows 10.

Now I'm going to create the install DVD.

I'm hoping that someone else will report how they did it and if they ran into any problems with the boot menu etc.


Hey Mike,

I just finished, and typing in Windows 10 now. Using a USB instead of a DVD would help it go faster for you.

If you have Secure Boot enabled, then you would want to disabled it until after Windows 10 is installed though.

Other than that, it went pretty smoothly. I just selected to install Windows 10 with UEFI on a second hard drive.

No problems with UEFI Dual boot Windows 8/8.1 & 10. (Secure Boot ENABLED)

Just done this on my 5 year old hardware dual CPU 32 bit Win 8.1 system - no problems. Downloaded the new software to the desktop and followed the procedure above as detailed by genet.
Now why can't I have the new desktop layout on my Win 8.1 system!

The same as doing Windows 7 & 8.
Dual Boot Installation - Windows 8 and Windows 7 or Vista

Multiple Boot is quite a lot simpler since Vista, as an OS does not need to be on a Primary Partition.

Windows 10 - Dual Boot with Windows 7 or Windows 8

During the Windows 7 Pre Beta and Beta phase I actually had a maximum of five working OS's on a single system, The boot partition and my Live Vista install were on Primaries and the rest, (up to four different Win 7 Builds), were on normal logical partitions, as was my Data partition that all OS's accessed

I had a dual boot with Windows 7 C:/ and 8.1 W:/ on one disk.
I removed Windows 7 and formatted the C partition. I then renamed it Windows 10.
I then changed the size of my partitions as this was a good time to do that also.
I then booted to 8.1, mounted the ISO and used the setup in the sources folder and installed Windows 10 in the C partition.
It worked great but then I screwed up and used EasyBCD to modify the boot menu and now it is the old text version and tried everything to get the GUI back but no joy. The big problem is sometimes the keyboard won't respond with the boot menu so can't select anything.
Other then that it works great.

Just noticed that the System Reserved got assigned H:/ but I corrected that. Don't know when that happened as it is something new that I noticed.


Jim, Have you tried to access the boot menu from within Either 8.1 or 10? I seem to recall it's a shift or Ctrl RESTART NOW in the PC Settings - Update and recovery, but don't quote me

I looked at both in W10 and W8.1 and it looks correct. I go through System and then Advanced System Settings - Startup and Recovery. For now I have to use that to change the Default OS so I can boot to the other OS. Going to watch Auburn and Mississippi State get it on so will mess with it later. May have to re-image and start over.


I cranked up my Macrium restore as the games began and its now back to my original setup. I had never done an entire disc restore and was amazed that it returned my partitions to their original configuration. I will try again tomorrow to install W10 in place of my W7 and try not to screw it up this time.


Anyone done a dual boot setup of Windows 8 and 10?

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