I've updated two of my Win7 Professional PCs to W10 Professtional. After the upgrade, I can't RDP into either one of them. The session connects and I can see the desktop for a second of two, perhaps make a couple clicks, then it gets disconnected.
This happens on both PCs. I had no issues with this with Win 7.
I tried things like not connecting the clipboard, sound, changing the color depth, etc.
Sorry if this has been asked before, I searched the forum but didn't see any similar issues.
Hi Xoy74, welcome to the windowssh blog.
You could try if setting the connection never to disconnect automatically helps, you can do it in Group Policy Editor (Win + R, type GPEDIT.MSC, press Enter). Enable the three settings shown in the screenshot below setting the Active session limitto NEVER. You will find these settings in Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Session Time Limit:
Hi Kari and thanks for the quick reply.
Unfortunately that didn't help but I did make a little progress. I realized I get disconnected because the console session logs back in automatically and kicks out the RDP session. If I manually sign out from the console of the W10 PC then connect through RDP, the session stays up.
That's different from the way W7 used to work. W7 would "lock" the console session while a RDP session was connected.
I have pretty much the same problem. 2 computers and I can't RDP to both of them. Local account keeps logging itself in when I try to RDP into them and it kicks me out. Have you found any solution to that? I looked everywhere for the answer and couldn't get any info.
The only solution I found was to set my Win10 computers to not autologon (I used to have them logon automatically with blank passwords, after win10 upgrade I had to set passwords for the accounts).
I answered a similar question in that thread -> RDP to W10 login issues
Sadly I haven't found a solution to keep working without setting up passwords.
Install RPD wrapper on each computer you want to RDP into. It will allow you to RDP in with a completely separate account and the local console user will be totally unaffected. I know the page is in Russian. I always click on the "Mirror Download" button.
Oppps, DUH....here's the link!
RDP Wrapper Library by StasM Corp.
Here is the mirror download link:
Releases · binarymaster/rdpwrap · GitHub
Oohhhh, looks like there is a new version :-). Going to have to update mine!
Thanks Navy!
I already used that tool succesfully Though this is not the final solution I was looking for, because in 99% I want to get the session I was logged in local before.
Let's hope M$ is going to "fix" this. Imho this has to be a bug, because it worked like this since Windows 7 (or even before). Or they implemented that as a new "feature" ...
Wow, well found xoy. I can confirm this issue still persists as of May 2016.
I would very strongly advise against using RDP "wrappers" out of obvious security reasons.