
Boot disc won't load, hardware issue?

Hey all,

Trying to install Windows 10 Pro 64 bit on an older desktop computer (AMD 4000+ CPU, Asus A8N-SLI Premium motherboard) and the boot disc won't get past the Windows logo splash screen; normally it would load the language and keyboard options after this, but in my case the process just hangs at the Windows logo and does not go past that.

I also notice that eventually the boot disc stops spinning in the drive, but the Windows logo remains. I've tried switching DVD drives but the same happens on another drive that I know is working.

Might this be a symptom of hardware issues, maybe something incompatible with Windows 10?

Anyone else run into this issue?


What was reasons for booting from disc, did you select boot manager(boot menu) at logo screen ,then select to boot from dvd?

And is this a free upgrade from an older Windows version you are attempting to install from disk? Or is it a clean install of a new Win10 license you have purchased?

Matt how long have you let the Windows logo stay on screen? When I used a DVD to install Win 10 I got that logo for a good 10 minutes before anything else started happening. The light on my drive turned off too during this time. I just waited and waited and after about 10 mins it was fine.

Clean install with disc, pretty sure this computer doesn't support booting from USB.

I've left the boot process for over 10 minutes for sure, doesn't get past the logo. I've used the same disc on another computer so I know the disc is fine, and I've installed Windows 8 on this computet using an install disc, so not sure why this is happening?

Clean install with disc, pretty sure this computer doesn't support booting from USB.

I've left the boot process for over 10 minutes for sure, doesn't get past the logo. I've used the same disc on another computer so I know the disc is fine, and I've installed Windows 8 on this computet using an install disc, so not sure why this is happening?
How did you make the disc, where did you get download from ? Said it boots to the Windows 10 disc on another PC ?
Logo screen is where you would select the boot menu, and you do this and nothing,no message boot from cd/dvd press enter.... ?
Sure DVD Drive is working ? Why feel USB bootable flash drive can not work ?

I have the Asus A8N-SLI DeLuxe (very close, I've actually tried the premium BIOS on my board long ago) and I have the same problem as you. I can boot Win 7 x64 & x86 and Win 10 x86 from DVD or USB but Win 10 x64 does not boot from either. I also ran into very strange issues running updated or clean install of Win 10 x86. I.e. the installation failed if not connected to internet, and random crashes if disconnecting internet. My conclusion was; do not run Win 10 on this board, I'm back on Win 7 x64.
If you come up with a solution, pls tell

Ah so maybe it's a 64 vs 32 bit issue.. I think i also had issues with a 64 bit install of windows 7 awhile ago, and was going to switch to 32 to see if that helped.

Good catch, I'll try a 32 bit disc and see what happens.

Ah so maybe it's a 64 vs 32 bit issue.. I think i also had issues with a 64 bit install of windows 7 awhile ago, and was going to switch to 32 to see if that helped.

Good catch, I'll try a 32 bit disc and see what happens.
Yeah, but what was previous version on PC 64bit right? How can do a clean install with 32bit ?

Yeah, but what was previous version on PC 64bit right? How can do a clean install with 32bit ?
You can't, not on this board, Unless you buy it. Or find the Slic 2.1 modified BIOS and flash it, then install the corresponding certificate

Boot disc won't load, hardware issue?