
Windows 10 and Hyper-V

A little early but this is what I am looking at.

I plan to just remove Win 7 (C) and install Win 9 Preview in its place as (C)
At present Win 8 is on a Logical drive (W) but have thought about deleting Win 7 and converting Win 8 (W) to a primary partition and then moving it to the front then install Win 9 after it. Any thoughts as to which will be the best way to go.


None of the above, never stick some untried OS on the same disk or dual boot with your main one. I have seen to many doing that with Win7 and Win 8 Beta or even RC that at some point didn't have to redo everything. Separate disk, choosing OS thru BIOS fast menu or a Virtual disk are only ways to go.

None of the above, never stick some untried OS on the same disk or dual boot with your main one. I have seen to many doing that with Win7 and Win 8 Beta or even RC that at some point didn't have to redo everything. Separate disk, choosing OS thru BIOS fast menu or a Virtual disk are only ways to go.
Thanks for your reply.
I ALWAYS do an image with Macrium before any major changes so I am prepared for any problems. Don't have another disk to play with for now and by putting it on a hard disk instead of a Virtual disk I can test my hardware compatibility. There is a method behind my madness.

Jim :win:

Good thing about Desktop PC is that it's easy to ad HDDs, If I didn't have a spare HDD I would get a small one for a few bucks and try on it. Heck of easier than going thru image restoring every time something goes wrong (and it will for sure).

Thanks for your reply.
I ALWAYS do an image with Macrium before any major changes so I am prepared for any problems. Don't have another disk to play with for now and by putting it on a hard disk instead of a Virtual disk I can test my hardware compatibility. There is a method behind my madness.

Jim :win:
Avoiding problem is a better approach than expecting one...

I really can't wait so I just popped the new SSD in...



Sadly I only have one hybrid drive, but I'll make it work.

I installed multiple hot-swappable hard drive trays on my PC for this purpose.
I stopped using virtual machines. It's doesn't give you the actual performance of an OS with respect to hardware.


Sadly I only have one hybrid drive, but I'll make it work.
What machine are you using? Laptop or desktop?

Well, at the moment I'm on an iPad. :sorry:

But I will be putting together the computer I have listed in My System either on Thursday or Friday, probably Thursday.

Windows 10 and Hyper-V