
Batch file - Unable to start a program minimized

I've been trying to figure this out for a while now and I can't. I've looked at tons of small tips online to get this working but it doesn't work at all. I have a batch file which causes various programs to start when opened. However, one of them always appears above the rest because it loads, some time after the others. I want it to start minimized so the other program will above above every time.

I have tried various ways including these;
START /min steam.exe
START /min "" "C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteam.exe"

None of them work. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks

Try making a shortcut for steam.exe on the desktop then in the properties of that shortcut set the program to run minimized. Then in the batch file use the location

where username and shortcutname refer to your own user and programs name

Try making a shortcut for steam.exe on the desktop then in the properties of that shortcut set the program to run minimized. Then in the batch file use the location

where username and shortcutname refer to your own user and programs name
The program opens but not in minimized, and yeah, I changed the drop down option to minimized beside the "Run:" option.
Is there a argument I can add to the end of the Target line to force it that way?

set s = createobject("WScript.Shell") s.run """C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteam.exe""", 2
Try creating a .vbs file with that and run it.

set s = createobject("WScript.Shell") s.run """C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteam.exe""", 2
Try creating a .vbs file with that and run it.
Ok, that started the program maximized again... don't know what you want me to do with it.

If it doesn't work you can do with it what you wish. If a minimized shortcut or a standard .vbs command don't work you might be out of luck getting it to start minimized because both should work.

Edit: Perhaps your best bet would be to see if a command line argument to start Steam minimized exists.

Perhaps your best bet would be to see if a command line argument to start Steam minimized exists.

Use the -silentswitch to start Steam and you just get the tray icon showing.

Batch file - Unable to start a program minimized