I got a problem with 2 of my IDE hard drives. I think theyre dead. I use a USB to IDE cable to connect my computer to it. I remember I would disconnect one and reconnect the other and would switch between the two in search of a vital file. I would disconnect and reconnect on and off. Could this be the reason why theyre dead??
How can I revive them or at least recover the data?
Welcome to the forum. If you dont use the remove safely it will cause problems. What do you mean by dead cant see them cant read any error if both seem dead suspect connection
What I mean be dead is when I connect them to the computer through the adapter they dont come up in windows explorer. What do you think?
First, try to install them in the computer if possible.
Second try a second IDE adapter, maybe the adapter is dead.
2 HDD dying at the same time is not very likely
Ok so you saying I should get another USB to IDE adapter. Ok I'll have to buy it online again. This is a complete nightmare.
One more thing, I got a pen drive (Corsair Voyager GT, 32GB). Its also inaccessible on my computer. All I get is the drive letter showing up in windows explorer. I tried looking for a genuine recovery tool from Corsair. But I wasnt able to find one. What do you suggest about how to recover the files on it?
Have you tried another USB port?
Do the USB ports show up in the device manager?
Have u tried to connect the HDD's internally in the computer?
The USB ports show up in device manager, no problem. Its not the USB ports since I inserted another pen drive with no issues.
have you shut down and restarted the computer lately ,sometime users forget to try that as a fix for an issue like you are having ..
also you have been asked twice to try the hdd drive in the computer ,assuming you are using a tower computer and not a laptop ,this might be possible ,as long as you towers motherboard still has ide on it .. it would be a good trouble shooting tip.
Just FYI - iCare Data Recovery Pro is free right now. I've used this, and it's pretty good. But, it has to see the drives in order to work.
You should connect one and then look in Disk Management. You may need to assign them a drive letter, assuming they are detected there.