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Security Issue (Unknown device attached to network)
I just noticed an unknown device attached to my network (A mobile phone 'VodaPhone') that none of us own in our house.
It's gone now, but I've managed to screen-grab the device and its MAC address.
What should I do? Worried I've been hacked/being watched.
Hello Karma Welcome to the windowssh blog!
The first question I could ask here would be if you have a G type not an N type router attached to your cable or dsl modem? When still having a G type here I passing school bus driver was finding a "Free WiFi" available when coming to pick up a neighbor! Later I heard about the driver's complaint when someone inquired about it following the purchase of a much need N type with firewall app in place! In your situation you likely are also providing free WiFi without realizing it if your network set up lacks a firewall of it's own.
Thanks for the reply NighHawk.
I have a Sky Hub SR102, how would I find out?
They are listed by Windows 10 as on the network, but I can't seem to find them as attached devices in the hub admin panel.
Windows 10 reports them as a "Phone" connected to the network.
So far, I've had:
HTC One_M8 HTC One_M8 Vodafone 785
(Each with a different mac address).
I don't live in a highly populated area, so can't think where they're coming from.
Someone has your password and is simply signing in remotely! Is the same SKY that provide tv as well as the router? Sky Help: Set up your Sky Hub
Hard wired or Wireless? would be one question I could ask since those smart phones where not hard wire connection is even needed or available. You can plug in a usb or micro usb cord to upload photos onto a pc from any hand held with the option for that as well as charge by way of usb. But no one physically connected anything going by the two model numbers you have there.
Wait, you do have it (your router) password protected, don't you?
I know the Cisco Linksys N type routers that replaced the old G type since see their own firewall program you set up along with the router on the host machine. That has to be pasword protected in order to complete the set up. There isn't any skip password option.
Now for the SKY brand which seems to be ISP brand you may end needing to contact the support there directly to find out just why you are seeing the other entries unless you are picking up on another nearby private network for some reason possibly on a G type WiFi router? I know when setting up 10 on a laptop and bringing it back to the person I pick up not only on the care facility's own WiFi but nearby businesses as well private residences a few close enough to be detected but can't get on not being able to log in. I may see 6 or 7 of those.
The other thing I would be concerned about and why I advise contacting the ISP you have there is the potential security leak problem you may be seeing if anyone passing by with a cell or smart phone can access your network. How secure is your connection? is the type of question to throw at them!