
'Open in new window' right-click menu option for File Explorer

I just submitted this suggestion on Windows Uservoice:

The idea: the right-click menu for folders in File Explorer has an option called 'Open in new window', which opens that folder in a new File Explorer window. Very useful for copying and moving things, and opening destination folders without accessing the start menu a second time.

right-click menu option for File Explorer – Feature Suggestions for Windows

I just submitted this suggestion on Windows Uservoice:

The idea: the right-click menu for folders in File Explorer has an option called 'Open in new window', which opens that folder in a new File Explorer window. Very useful for copying and moving things, and opening destination folders without accessing the start menu a second time.

right-click menu option for File Explorer – Feature Suggestions for Windows
Is this a weird joke/troll?

That feature has been in Explorer since at least Windows 7...

I'm not talking about internet explorer.

Nus wasn't either.

That's interesting. I had looked in Windows 10 before making the feature request and didn't see it.

Your image is of an archive's right click menu. Does the same show when right clicking on a normal folder? I can't check my own pc right now.

Your image is of an archive's right click menu. Does the same show when right clicking on a normal folder? I can't check my own pc right now.

Thanks, I overlooked it then. Glad it's there.

Also, if you 'wheel click' File Explorer from the task bar, it'll open a new window. Just for info.

Please don't take this as I'm trying to be mean or critical, but this just proves a point I posted a while ago in another thread. Open in a new window has been around for years.

Also, if you 'wheel click' File Explorer from the task bar, it'll open a new window. Just for info.
That's useful, thanks.

'Open in new window' right-click menu option for File Explorer