Home » Windows » can't get graphics equalizer in Control Panel to function
can't get graphics equalizer in Control Panel to function
I just connected external speakers to my Dell Windows 10 computer and want to use a graphics equalizer to alter the sound (remove bass frequencies) from my GoPro videos. I'm trying to use Windows GE - access from start/control panel/sounds/speakers/enhancements - but It doesn't alter the sound. I've exited the GoPro app, I've tried listening to youtube videos to see if it works there, and nothing. Any suggestions?
check control panel for your Soundcard Maker's App , Eg Realtek the GE maybe off ?, though I am not sure how you are controlling it from that location above ? CP>Sound>Sounds> is where Windows sound schemes are enabled eg the windows startup sound , or new email etc. but I think you mean CP>Sound>Playback>Speakers>Properties>Enhancements ? (I don't have any settings there on this comp. but I do on my new one , but they are set via the Realtek software too)
Also make sure your speaker are setup correctly in the Makers App or CP>Sound>Playback> stereo/Quad/5.1 etc.
some Dolby and DTS variants only work with 2 speakers or headphones too
Thanks Kbird. I checked I think your path was correct, but now I no longer see "Enhancements" as a tab when I double click on Speakers, so I no longer seem to have access to the graphic equalizer. Since it doesn't seem to be working anyway, I'm trying to find GE to download - any suggestions?
If your soundcard drivers don't install a CP App , then you could use the GE in WMP 11 or VLC Media Player , though there maybe Apps in the Store too. I don't think the built in Groove App has a GE unless it has been updated and added.
Thanks Kbird, I had downloaded a program called Equalizer APO some time ago, but I couldn't get it to work. I downloaded it again (updated version) and now it's working. I appreciate the help!
Actually I have heard of it too and tried it last yr but gave up on it as well , so perhaps I'll have another look , did you install the Peace GUI for EQ APO ?
Thanks for the feedback
Thx for the reminder about EQ APO..... , EQ APO is now working well on my system with no built in EQ , and the Peace GUI as well . I couldn't get the other GUI to install properly , but that maybe cos I had already run the Peace GUI in the EQ APO Config folder ?
I can't remember if that was why I gave up on it last yr , but Peace is working well and has about a doz. presets for quick setup and switching.
I wondered what advantage the Peace GUI gave over the stock GUI. I'm using this in testing some communication equipment I'm designing, and just want to attenuate certain frequencies, so the stock one works fine for me. Thanks again KB. K2
I can't tell you sorry as I can't get the standard one to run , but it is likely cos the P.e.a.c.e. GUI does not use an Installer , you drop the file in the main config folder of EPO and run it and it integrates itself .
PEACE (Peter's Equailiser...) has an advanced mode , has an auto peak meter and an Effects button on advance Tab , that lets you change all sorts of inputs and outputs, balances , upsampling , downsampling etc too, not sure what STD GUI has ?