
Resetting Windows 10 Data usage meter

Is there any way to reset the WiFi Data Usage meter each month?

I've been trying to figure this out for 3 days now...

I monitor my network traffic with the Networx application. Windows 8.1 allowed users to reset or disable the data usage tracking, but I have not found a way to disable or reset it in Windows 10.

Someone please help.

I've been trying to figure this out for 3 days now...

I monitor my network traffic with the Networx application. Windows 8.1 allowed users to reset or disable the data usage tracking, but I have not found a way to disable or reset it in Windows 10.

Someone please help.
I feel your pain and am also seeking help with this annoying issue.

Windows 8.1 had an easily resettable data meter that could be reset each month on the day your monthly data plan resets. I can't find its equivalent in Windows 10. This is progress?

I live in a rural area and get my internet on a speedy, fairly reliable cellular data plan (fastest, most cost-effective option available here, as sad and pathetic as that is to admit) but it has a monthly usage limit. It would be very nice to be able to simply and easily reset my meter every month rather than have Windows 10 arbitrarily reset it 30 days after the day I installed Windows 10 and every 30 days thereafter, which seems to be the only option at this point.

I really don't want to have to keep a paper log of internet usage each month. Come on Microsoft. Just come the effing eff on. The more I use Windows, the closer I get to paying the $$ for a Mac.

Anyone have any ideas, or at least hope for this to be included in a future update or patch?

Thanks for reading my rant!

Same question.
Thanks for reading my rant!
Believe it or not, I also live in a rural area with a limited data plan and I strictly monitor my usage... It's saddening that no one has provided a solution to this major issue yet.

I consider myself a power user and could not find a way to disable this data monitoring feature. After several days tinkering with 10, I provided a solution for myself and that was to completely uninstall windows 10 and install windows 7 on my 2015 laptop. I am running 100% solid now with no issues. It took me a while to scrounge up the proper drivers, but no more windows 10 makes me really happy. Microsoft flops again and I will soon be switching to LINUX entirely.

Go to Wi-Fi settings and click Advanced options. Set the metered connection to Off. Reboot the pc. You can't view the metered connection setting unless you have a Wi-Fi connection in use.

I want the ability to reset the meter at the beginning of each month so I know what I am using during the month, what you are suggesting is not a solution to what I am asking.

It is the solution. Do it at the beginning of the month or the next full moon. It's not something you can auto set. You have to actually manually go in and do what I said.

ok, thanks. I will give it a shot.

It is the solution. Do it at the beginning of the month or the next full moon. It's not something you can auto set. You have to actually manually go in and do what I said.

I did what you said but it didn't work..

Everyone needs to start using the Tutorials that Brink has put together. The best resource out there. Wireless Network Metered Connection - Set in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

Resetting Windows 10 Data usage meter