
"You Need The Internet For This" Error Message

I updated to Windows 10 this morning and everything has been working great aside from one issue. Cortana, the Xbox App, and a few others that require me to sign in using my Windows ID give me a message saying "You'll need the internet for this," and won't let me sign in. However, my computer is connected to the internet, it's how I'm writing this post. Is this due to server load?

Just a thought: Windows firewall?

No, even when disabling the firewall, I still have the same issue.

I bet if you check your network connections there are non listed.

I am having a similar issue. Cannot get network connections after upgrading to Windows 10.

I'm not having a problem getting online, just certain apps say I don't have access to the Internet. I'm currently connected to my home network. When I look at my network connections my network appears. My issue is that the apps that require me to sign in using my Windows ID say that I don't have access to the internet, but I clearly do, otherwise I wouldn't be posting in this forum right now.

Audega, I'm having the exact same problem... Internet and connection works fine for everything else except for some of the built in windows 10 apps. Sometimes I do get an error with the "you need the internet" message and its different for every app.

I may have gotten somewhere with this... Try adding a Microsoft email account to your login profile. After I did that I was able to access all the apps that I previously could not.

Trt to login in the windows edge first and then login with the application

I have logged in with my Microsoft email account, but still I have the same problem as the first poster... Programs like Steam, Google Chrome etc. all don't work, saying that I do not have an Internet connection, but I clearly do since I can access and use Microsoft Edge. Any help from the Microsoft team?

I may have gotten somewhere with this... Try adding a Microsoft email account to your login profile. After I did that I was able to access all the apps that I previously could not.

I have logged in with my Microsoft email account, but still I have the same problem as the first poster... Programs like Steam, Google Chrome etc. all don't work, saying that I do not have an Internet connection, but I clearly do since I can access and use Microsoft Edge. Any help from the Microsoft team?
When I first set-up my account I linked it to my Microsoft account. However, still have the same problem. Bumping for help.