
Windows 10 Drivers for Toshiba Laptop

Can someone please get me a list of the required drivers for Windows 10 for my Toshiba laptop.

Also, can someone please assist me with my Toshiba Face Recognition feature? Whenever I try to unlock my computer with my face, it is not recognizing it. There has to be a reason why it isn't working. There is no tape over the webcam lens housing.

My Specs are listed in the Specs area of this forum.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Jesse Williams

Have you tried going to the Toshiba support page and searching.

I think this is your computer, But You will have to do your homework to find out if this is actually your computer.
Open the Drivers & Updates tab then select Windows 10 64 bit and select the newest ones.

Have you tried going to the Toshiba support page and searching.

I think this is your computer, But You will have to do your homework to find out if this is actually your computer.
Yes I have. I also have the Toshiba Service Station installed and it says that I don't have any software updates available. However, I just want to be sure that I have the right drivers installed as I am a little confused. I downloaded some drivers and applications from Toshiba's website. Also, my touch pad is overly sensitive. Is there a way to tone down the sensitiveness in the touchpad while I type. I would like to disable it since I have a mouse. I have submitted a thread to the Toshiba blog on their website, but so far no one has responded back.

Did you select Windows 10 64 bit on the left side near the bottom of the page that seems to be the newest.


Then my guess is you do have the newest drivers

Okay. Well, is there any way to disable the touch pad?

You could try to do it in device manger

You could try to do it in device manger
It didn't give me the option to disable it in Device Manager.

Can someone please assist me again and tell me how I can disable and enable my touchpad? I have a wireless mouse, so I really don't need the touchpad. Is it recommended to leave it enabled?

Windows 10 Drivers for Toshiba Laptop