Trying to get my W7 machine in the workgroup with W8.1 and W10. On the W7 side I get an error saying I need IPV6? How to get that turned on? My router has it enabled but when looking at my adapter, the IPV6 portion is blank. It is set to auto, my isp is not doing IPV6 yet. Tx
Is ipv6 unchecked in your network protocols dialog? Did you run the troubleshooter?
It is checked. Troubleshooter couldn't identify the problem. If I look at the status of my L.A.C.
Regardless if the ISP is not using IPv6. The router can still handle it between devices. Make sure all computers have IPv4 installed in Network adapter properties.
All three have IPV4 installed, the only one that does not have IPV6 installed is Win7, the one I cannot get into the group. I agree that regardless if my isp is using IPV6 or not, this should not be a factor for home networking?
No it should not be a factor. Possibly that we could be looking at a Driver issue or if you are running third party Internet Security software, that could be the culprit.
tx. Only MSE and MWBytes. Will wait until after the 29th and see if anything changes. Until then will be just using USB flash. :-(
Homegroups have always needed IPv6.. Check the box and it should work.
Just to double check, this is the box & check you are referring to? I cycled it on/off once, but has always been checked.
if you go back to the Network Connections dialog and select one of your active interfaces, then at the top select the Status of this connection, does it show any IPv6 addresses?
Since IPv6 is normally installed by default, something must have deactivated it depending on what the above listing shows.
Do you remember disabling it for any reason? If not, could some software have disabled it?
You might see if you can find anything about repairing an install, but I am not able to give you guidance.
I will try setting up a Homegroup just to make sure it is still working after some of the updates we have received. I will post back if I see anything strange.