First i have nothing to hide ok, i have anxiety disorders and i have OCD . and ever since i was a teen i had this one fear that im hoping someone can put to be. 8 or so years ago my pc got rootkits and a keylogger . I backed my pics vids ect to CD's . then i reformatted and reinstalled windows . now with my anxiety. i always worried what if i accidentally backed up a virus to a cd and if i place the cd in the pc i will be infected again. So i snapped then cds that had program data on them (programs games ) and all the cds i knew had just pics vids i kept. But with snapping cds they go into hundreds of tiny pieces to have 2 or 3 parts of the cd but you get tiny little pieces of cd everywhere , the part of the cd that data is written to . so anyway my anxiety starts again i got tiny shards of cd on my hands on the floor, what if these tiny shards end up on my hand at some point as im touching a cd or dvd they will be transfered from my hand to the disc then the pc will read this tiny shard as its reading the disc and boom i will infect my pc with the virus again. or what if these shards get on a usb stick it will be infect my pc when i plug the usb stick in. See where im going with this i know im crazy but this fear or my pc or electronics getting infect by the rootkit or keylogger from pieces of cd 8 years later , i still have this fear which makes me wash my hands all the time , thinking i have shards of cd on my hands.
So bottom line can a cd be read once its snapped in half. if you took say dime sized cut out pieces of a cd and taped them to another cd and put it in the pc would it read the cd + the dime size cut outs.
Sorry for the long read . but this is a real issue i have .
No, once you break the CD like you did it cannot be read nor transfer data to anything else.
why cant a cd be read if its broke i know it must spin but what if its a clean split in half and you tape it together it would still spin
If you REALLY want to render an optical disk unreadable, then you need to buy one of the newer shredders that chews up optical media. I did that recently to dispose of old CD backups I had made and the shredder turned the CDs into little bits of plastic about the size of the head of a pin.
Burning them should do the trick. There's no way anyone, CIA or otherwise, would recover anything then.
Failing that, "nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure"
Writeable CD's and DVD's are actually very fragile.. in fact, you can take a key and scrape it across the top and wreck them. A standard consumer CD or DVD drive requires a full spin of the disk for it to get enough information to figure out where the start and stop sectors are, and how to interpret the track. if there is any damage on that track, it won't be able to read it properly, so when a disk is completely destroyed that's just not possible given normal technology.
What the CIA or NSA has, we don't know, but it's absolutely impossible for bits of a CD or DVD to "infect" a flash drive.
To add, the CDs and DVDs are recorded in tracks using a laser beam, any scratch or scuff on the disc bends the rays of the laser beam causing errors and misreading of the track/s. It doesn't seem to matter if the damage is beyond the actual recorded area as the drive reads the whole disc. The discs are recorded center to the edge starting a little ways from the center then the program completes the recording by writing more data between the hub and the beginning of the actual data.