I recently purchased a new computer initially it had Windows 8.1 now it's Windows 10. It's an HP Envy Phoenix 810qe. I still have some parts however from my old desktop computer which was an HP Pavilion m9200t, Windows 7 (upgraded from Vista). One of the parts I kept was: 16x DVD(+/-)R/RW 12xRAM (+/-)R DL LightScribe SATA. I'm needing to purchase a new SATA Cable for it but before I do I want to make sure I can get a working driver for it for Windows 10.
It says on the back: Designed by Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Model: TS-H653N/HPBH
I just mainly need a driver and to know if it's going to work with my computer and Windows 10.
It should work without installing any driver. I am using an old DVD drive from my old HP machine.
Ok thank you! Is there any free LightScribe software out there though? That's why I thought I might need a driver because it's not just a regular DVD drive it's a LightScribe drive.
But how often do you use the lightscribe feature? I've actually never used mine. You have to get a lightscribe compatible DVD. I just use a Sharpie to write the label.
You won't need any special drivers.
As for software, here's a couple of suggestions:
Lightscribe DVD Burner Windows 10 SOLVED - Microsoft Community
You could also try the Lightscribe software for the old machine:
HP Software and Driver Downloads for HP Printers, Laptops, Desktops and More | HP® Customer Support
Are you using Lightscribe? I have a drive or two that support it, but I've never got in the habit.
I have special discs and use it when I can because I make picture discs and home videos of my kids at Christmas to send to my relatives.
Thank you!
I know this is an old thread, but I'm able to confirm that LightScribe System Software works perfectly fine in Windows 10.
Hey I just went through this.
This is the solution I've found. I have not tested to burn a label yet but I suppose it works.
- Download the driver and install it normally:
- Download the template labeler and open it with superora:
- Template labeler: LightScribeTemplateLabeler_1.18.27.10.exe from cnet LightScribe Template Labeler - Free download and software reviews - CNET Download.com
- SuperOrca:
- In the LaunchCondition, right clic on the 2 first conditions and "Drop"
- Save as a new msi and install it.
You don't need to go through all those steps. Once you have the System Software installed, you can use any program, such as CDBurnerXP to create the labels.