Hi All,
How can I stop CCleaner from skipping cleaning files in Edge?
Is there a setting in Edge that's stopping CCleaner from cleaning the files?
When in the main CCleaner window, press the "Cleaner" tab and then choose "Applications" from there, make sure that Edge Internet Cache, Internet History and Cookies are checked. Then press "Run Cleaner".
They are all checked, but CCleaner still skips them.
You need to close dllhost.exe prior to cleaning, try to use a bat file like this:
@echo off
taskkill /f /im dllhost.exe
start "" "C:Program FilesCCleanerCCleaner64.exe" /AUTO
Thanks, but I think that I've just found an easier way to sort it.
I opened CCleaner, then opened "Options" then "Monitoring" then unticked the "Enable browser monitoring" box.
Now it works!
Ah, you have the Pro version.
Yes, sorry, I forgot to mention that!
Actually I should thank you, I always wanted to make a script like that, but I was just too lazy to do it.
I have the same issue.
Responses I have seen so far only bypass the cleaning process not re-activate the cleaning process.
My issues stems from having opted to skip cleaning for Edge but I now wish to re-activate the cleaning process that I opted to skip.