Frustration is a mild word for what I'm dealing with! Upgraded from W7 but Edge cannot access the web or even search the web as Start Menu does not recognise that I'm actually connected. Error code 0x80072EFD when trying to access the store as well. Most of the Metro apps can't connect. The weather app defaults to Ottawa. (I live in Westlock, Alberta Canada). The "Contact Support" app tells me "something went wrong on our end try again later" Later being a euphemism for "no, don't even try". Surprisingly, Maps works to a degree. What the heck is it connecting to if the other metro apps can't connect? Huh? WTF. Been scrolling down the "all apps" and trying each one so bear with me Money; service not currently available try again later, News; same, OneDrive; seems to work but I don't use it, Online Services; tells me I'm connected! People app; couldn't find any contacts. Search can't connect right now but you can still search your stuff. (thanks so much Search), Skype; seems to work..... basically anything that connects through Edge doesn't work. I have tried making my network "private" but there's no option to do so in settings because my system doesn't "know" that I'm actually connected to a network. Even changing to "private" through the registry doesn't help! Speaking of which, Help!
I'd suggest a fresh re-install of Windows 10. In-place upgrades have problems due to leftover junk much of the time.
Thanks for your input owensdj. I would dearly love to avoid the clean install as this is my wife's PC and she doesn't adapt well to changes in her particular PC profile. I realised early on in this dilemma that a CI and re-installing all the programs that she uses might be my only recourse. I was just taking a long shot here that maybe somebody had a possible alternative. I know it's probably more of a network issue than an Edge one and I thought maybe re-installing Edge would have a positive effect. I think I've found a way to do () it but will research it more b4 any attempts at messing with W10!
Thanks again,
IE is still included with 10. Search for it and see if it works instead of edge.
There must be an underlying issue here, edge browser is not necessarily at fault.
Some possible solutions: ERROR 0x80072efd - Microsoft Community
You can run the computer troubleshooter by typing repairand clicking the second option called Identify and repair network problems.
There are more things that can potentially help solve your problem, but you just have to be willing and patient with us to get you that help. Let us know if you are still looking for a solution.
Thanks for the input. Have been using IE since the upgrade.
Yeah the trouble shooter doesn't detect any probs because I'm connected and using IE