Anyone else having problem installing this update?
"Update for Windows 10 Insider Preview June Update for x64-based Systems (KB3070677)"
I can't even connect to the internet now, without using a VPN, wonder if it's cause the above update won't install...
No problem here. Installed I believe yesterday and no issues with internet access.
I did along with 3 others, 3058575, 3070675 and 3069069. The machine was in a loop, "couldn't complete updates, undoing changes" Self reboot, installing updates until 67% then the message repeats. this happened about 4 times in a row and then, "getting ready to retry.....up till 67% and repeats. On last re-boot, started pushing ESC key, allowed me to sign in. Looked at update log, these 4 KB's are sitting there awaiting a restart to finish.....
Funny I just had a networking issue an hour ago and I am also having problem installing 2 of the latest updates including the one above.
When I first fired up this PC (the newly built one) today, there's no internet. It can't even detect the ethernet adapter. It was nowhere to be found from the Device Manager ( I can't find the line "Network Adapter"). The solution I did was to clear the CMOS and when I reboot, the internet is back. Not sure if your problem is related to mine and if the update has anything to do with it.
Here's what I am getting when I restart the PC to install the update. I had to force the PC to shutdown to get out of this error loop.
And are you back to normal now?? Mine says I am up to date, yet those 4 are awaiting restart to finish. Started to send MS some feedback and that option is in a loop. Shows the main screen, then another smaller screen on top of that saying "Just a moment". That did that about 10 times, said I was not signed in, re-signed in, still repeating.
Just did 2 restarts, the KB's sill not installed.
yup it's back but still uninstalled.
I just did a manual check for updates and have 5 that require a restart to finish installing.
KB3070677, KB3058515, KB3070675, KB3069069, KB3070641
I restarted a few times, and they don't finish installing.
One update, KB3065820 did successfully install.
I'm running Build 10130 x86 as a clean install in VMware Player with Win7 x64 as the host.
Internet connection is working in the W10 VM.
This is whacked! I'm gonna dive into one more install with the 'fresh' iso.
Still whacked!
Wander how to get an update to continue, restart or give up on it ? I got stuck at 21% of KB890830 for couple of days now and won't budge.