A little background first, I downloaded a file and started to install it when Defender caught the virus, but didn't contain it. So I downloaded Malwarebytes to scan and remove the virus.
After I loaded Malwarebytes I noticed I wasn't getting anymore Windows Defender definitions but I noticed the Windows Defender services were stopped and I figured Malwarebytes stopped it and that was the reason I wasn't getting anymore updates on Defender.
I uninstalled Malwarebytes but now I can't restart Windows Defender.
If I got to Control Panel then Security and Maintenance window. Both buttons to turn on Defender are grayed out.
If I search for Windows Defender in the search window on the task bar. This is the result I get.
And lastly, if I go into Task Manager Services, there are 2 entries for Windows Defender, both are stopped. If I try to restart them this is the message I get.
So is there anything I can do to restart the app or does it require more drastic steps such as reload 9926?
Head over to Services and make sure windows defender service is on. Not sure if the virus could have altered any settings in there, but worth a look.
This is a common issue with Windows 10. If you install a third party AV or any security software, it breaks Defender and render it useless. The only solution is either to restore an image if you have one or re-install Win 10. Don't ask me why. But that's the way it is.
This really does seem to be the case. I found this myself, reinstall was the only solution I found to work.
I just encounter the same issue but for some reason I was able to just turn defender back on and it's working just fine now. It could be that the AV I was trying to install was not compatible yet and since it didn't fully install it allowed me to just turn defender back on.. just a thought.
That's what posted in the first message that i couldn't restart it.
"And lastly, if I go into Task Manager Services, there are 2 entries for Windows Defender, both are stopped. If I try to restart them this is the message I get. "
So I guess I'm stuck to either get something else or reinstall it. I've looked for this answer elsewhere and was unsuccessful.
Even there is no solution that I've gotten, I'll make this as Solved for now.
I've installed mbam premium three or four times and never had an issue with defender borking so I doubt it's to blame here,
But yes I did install Panda and it did the same thing disabled defender,
Refresh install with the same flash media fixed the issue with defender but with a virus... I would clean install.
Check registry, if those items are set to 2.
Answer to your question, here are the results I found:
MpsSvc] "Start"=dword:00000002 Yes this is set to the value of 2
WdNisSvc] "Start"=dword:00000002 No this is set to the value of 3
WinDefend] "Start"=dword:00000002 No this is set to the value of 3
So is that telling you there needs to be a correction?
Give it a try, 3 is Manual, 2 is Automatic service startup.