
PC Completly Crashes On Every Game Build 10041

Whenever I try to run any game on my PC after 1 minute, everything freezes and I have to reboot. I've tried rolling back my graphics drivers but that didn't work either.

What are your system specs?

What are your system specs?
I'm unable to tell you my motherboard or CPU because now every time I boot my computer it freezes but I do have an ATI Radeon HD 7750 graphics card and 8GB of ram.

I have the same problem

Since I'm on the build 10041, nearly all my games crash after like 15-20 min, and then it's occuring faster and faster to the point it crashes after 5 seconds.
The worse is maybe in SWTOR.
I don't think it's graphic related since I tried like 3 or 4 different geforce driver.

Any of you have the same problems or, let's be crazy, even maybe have a solution ?

This wasn't happening on build 9926, correct?

This wasn't happening on build 9926, correct?

Also correct for me, everything worked perfectly.
It looks like to me it could be a memory leak but hell, I dont know

That's what I'm thinking too. I've got a pretty powerful machine, but my in game performance has dropped drastically between 9926 and 10041.

I'll do some research. If I can find any possible solutions, I'll post them.

Since then I've tried to run the directx runtime from june 2010 >> didnt solve the problem.
Tried to run it with compatibility for win 8 and win 7 >> didnt work

Reinstalled Shadow of Mordor to play the DLC, no problem at all.

However, since I'm mostly playing Swtor lately I'll comment on it:
Redownloaded the game without the P2P software, no change
Tried Shader Cache Off/On, no change
Tried Vsync On/off, no change
Tried turning off all nvidia driver special graphic options, no change.

I'm starting to think it's directly related to the SWTOR engine and an incompatibility with W10 build 10041

PC Completly Crashes On Every Game Build 10041