
Mail notification sound doesn't play

I'm running Wn10 and I would like to change some sounds. I'm running a background theme. I have downloaded a Wav file (thefreesite.com), added this file in a sound scheme (mail notification), tested it, saved it as modified scheme, but the sound doesn't play at all (when mail arrives). Is it perhaps not possible to play downloaded Wav files in a sound scheme ?

In the Mail app>settings>options you need to make sure play a sound is ticked- for each account.

I have these ticked and still no new email notification sound...

I have these ticked and still no new email notification sound...
This is the way I solved it : Settings - System - Notifications etc. - scrolled down to Show notifications from these apps - click on Mail (the button was set in position ON) -> Changed Show notification banners to ON (it was set to off for some reason) and everything started working, sounds and banners

oddly enough, I turned on my PC this morning and the notifications worked.
I'd like to just have the sound and not the banner though as they will minimise any game you're playing at the time.

oddly enough, I turned on my PC this morning and the notifications worked.
I'd like to just have the sound and not the banner though as they will minimise any game you're playing at the time.
In email app, under settings, options, at the bottom, you can choose between banner and/or sound.

Thanks Rickie

hmm sound not working again...

This thread should really be marked as not solved.

This thread should really be marked as not solved.
Ok, unsolved. I still have problems too with the nofifications. I receive them randomly, one day it works fine, the other day no notifications at all. You cannot rely on it. Also when the screen goes off (not in sleep), no notifications are sent (I solved this by activating a screensaver). Also the live tile is not working properly : number of mails not correct, messages on tile disappear after approx 15 minutes. And so on. The mail app on Wn 8.1 worked fine though.
I guess we have to wait for a MS update. I wonder if there exists another great mail app with a live tile and notifications which you can rely on for 100% (as on my Android Phone).

Mail notification sound doesn't play