It shows up everytime the system boots .
I have the same problem. BTW what is that? Is it the new name for defender because I don't remember disabling any security center, only defender via: Windows Defender - Turn On or Off in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog
Scatch that, I remember now. Anyway this warning is annoying me too. Also want to get rid of it.
I still get this stupid warning after disabling the action center....
Me too. I disabled everything, defender, action center, UAC and still getting this annoying message.That's why 7 was better, you could control everything.
Hey Guys...
maybe I have solution for you.
I wrote a script to turn off Security Center and this annoying warning message.
Download - Google Drive - Google Drive
The ZIP-File contains the original source code (*.au3-File) - there you can read what the script does.
By double clicking the executable you get a little tutorial.
For me it worked fine...
Tested on: Windows 10 Pro x64 German
Just try and send feedback!
It is working!! Thank you so much.
Thanks! Also, what does it actually do?
PS: A success/failure message on the command line would be nice.
Here you can find a new version: - Google Drive
Now you can only run this script out of a CMD with admin rights.
New parameters and a detailed output on the command line are available now (run with parameter "/?" for more information)!
Steps to turn off security center manually:
1. Open "service.msc"
2. Stop Security Center service and set it to "disabled"
3. Go to "C:WindowsSystem32"
4. Take ownership of files "ActionCenter.dll" and "ActionCenterCPL.dll"
5. Get full access for the files "ActionCenter.dll" and "ActionCenterCPL.dll"
6. Rename the files "ActionCenter.dll" and "ActionCenterCPL.dll" to "ActionCenter.dll.bak" and "ActionCenterCPL.dll.bak"
The executeable script is used to simplify this steps (for companies e.g.)...
Use this script on your own risk!
Great. Thanks!
i downloaded above need stepby step instructions how to use the files..not too computer