
Battlefield bad company 2 worked on windows 10 but now the game crash

I had windows 8.1 pro and I upgraded to windows 10. I had battlefield bad company 2 installed and working fine.
Now yesterday I decided to install a new clean window 10. After that I installed the game battlefield bad company 2 again.
Since then the game is not working good.

When i'm running the game I see the intros in the start after the last intro the dolby intro the game think for few second but instead loading and showing the main menu the game just crash back to the desktop. No messages erorrs.

My windows 10 is all up to date. My video card have the latest graphics drivers.
I tried running the game as admin I also trued to change the compatability of the file BFBC2Game.exe to run as windows 7 windows 8 admin nothing solved the problem. And yesterday the game was working fine the problem started after I did new installation of the windows 10.

I also googled and found many others have the same problem but I couldn't find any solution.

Any ideas what can be done ?

How did you install the game? Through steam, or origin?

I installed the game through steam.

I have this game and is working fine under Windows 10 Pro even after a few clean installs over time. You might be missing DirectX 9 & 10 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable x86 or x64. As Dude said how was it installed, should be through Origin and then it should of installed these items as they would be downloaded right before the first start of the game.

have you tried forcing DX9?

Goto Documents folder , find BFBC2 folder , open settings.ini
Find "DxVersion=auto"

Change "auto" to "9" then save

at least i think thats where the folder is i dont have the game installed right now if its not there use the search function

it looks pretty bad in DX9 but if it starts youll know its a direct x issue

Also make sure punkbuster is updated. Forgot to mention, verify the game cache

have you tried forcing DX9?

Goto Documents folder , find BFBC2 folder , open settings.ini
Find "DxVersion=auto"

Change "auto" to "9" then save

at least i think thats where the folder is i dont have the game installed right now if its not there use the search function

it looks pretty bad in DX9 but if it starts youll know its a direct x issue
Not in Documents folder for me only game settings there. If installed through Origin will be in Program Files (x86)> Origin Games> Battlefield Bad Company 2 >_installer >DirectX > Redist , there is a setup file to run DirectX 9 & 10.

For Microsoft Visual C++ Redist similar location, Program Files (x86)> Origin Games> Battlefield Bad Company 2 >_installer >vc > vc2005sp1 > redist. Find both x86 and x64.

Also get DirectX here

Also make sure punkbuster is updated. Forgot to mention, verify the game cache
Verify game cache is a good idea, but PunkBuster is not required to run the game as i do not use it on a few games.
Needed for multiplayer online only, to prevent cheating.

Verify game cache is a good idea, but PunkBuster is not required to run the game as i do not use it on a few games.
Needed for multiplayer online only, to prevent cheating.
Punkbuster out of date has been known to crash the game, sp/mp doesn't matter. Yes it only is used in MP, but can still give the CTD at boot

Punkbuster out of date has been known to crash the game, sp/mp doesn't matter. Yes it only is used in MP, but can still give the CTD at boot

Also talking about Graphics drivers which were not mentioned here as a possible cause. I have PunkBuster installed because some games do it automatically without giving you a chose to not install it, so i just disabled it in services.msc because i do not use it and heard about it being a security risk.

Now that i think of it, if it was a DirectX issue or a Visual C++ thread starter would get an error message when the game did not load.

Battlefield bad company 2 worked on windows 10 but now the game crash