Hi all, ever since I reluctantly 'downdated' to win10 from win7 I've been constantly pestered by this nasty, intrusive, blocking, little black box. There's nothing on it to say where it comes from, but it looks like this:
and it plonks itself right over any data entry field I am trying to use, thus blocking access to it.
Please, can anyone say if it's a Win10 thing and how to remove it entirely from my PC?
I would like to stamp it into the ground, grind it beneath my heel and turn it into pulverised dust before shooting it with a high powered laser weapon thus obliterating it into its constituent atoms. But removing it from my PC will do.
Can anyone help?
Hi, sympathies.. never seen anything like that. First we need to identify it
So, could you download the attached file, unzip, and run it.
Click on an example of your nasty black 'orrible window, and post what's in the window of AU3_Spy.
This should help to identify what it is.
(It's a small freeware program- one of the simpler ones- which gives info on displayed windows).
Note: I'm running Bitdefender, so it should be safe, plus it's one I've used for a long time and comes form a safe source.
Do you see this if you do a clean boot? And if so, do you see it in safe mode?
That box is the touch keyboard in an undocked mode. You must have a setting which has turned this on. If you right click the taskbar there is an option to show the touch keyboard button. Maybe you can activate this and regain some control of the window.
Well recognised.. I think I've only seen it once, so that odd view (it should look like this) fooled me.
Turns out it's something to do with a Wacom Tablet, which I've had for years and years but this box only activated when I 'downgraded' to Windows 10, this is how you get rid of it:
Disable Handwriting feature on Windows 10 after install wacom driver | Digitalmotive Infos
Many thanks to the Win10 forum where someone recognised it. and their solution has (at long last) removed it from my life.
Thanks to all for their help, and Dalchina, I had that keyboard pop up at one time. Some of the symbols are indeed identical to those on my beastly box, which by the way I did NOT install the wacom drivers AFTER win10, but many years before.
Anyway, all sorted now.
And thanks to all for their responses.
Good to hear...
Pleased you have sorted it out. Can you also mark the thread solved so that others know it is fixed.