IE 11 greyed out when I log in anywhere!. This is the second time I have reset everything on IE11 and restarting computer. Anyone any ideas see picture. I used to be able to refresh it after login and that would fix it. But now I have yo close it and open it back up again. I don't know what's causing it.
Check this.... If it's not checked, check it and install feature, re-boot. If it is checked, un-check, un-install feature, re-boot, go back and check it, install feature and re-boot.
what have I to make sure is checked mate.
Yes got everything ticked or I should say everything was already ticked when i opened it up. So there was no need for a restart buddy. I don't know what it is!
Un-check it to un-install the feature. Reboot. Check to install it. Reboot. It may not have installed right the first time. Can't hurt to try!
No it can't doing it now mate.
Nope no joy. Taking a break from computer eyes need a rest mate. But if you have any other iideas post them and I will try them mate.