
Malware Messed with my Browsers...

I was on the Internet , and I installed a file that had some malware on it. For some reason , when I updated to windows 10 it removed my malware protection suite (I use Norton Security Suite) I tried to download it on Firefox. It said that I had lost internet connection. I tried it on edge and Internet explorer , it said it wasn't connected. So I thought that the malware denied me access to the Internet on my browsers. My Internet in my PC still works , I tried seeing in steam and it said I was online. So I need some help because I need my anti-malware software...

Hi Blake13579,

To resolve your problem you will require a secondary computer with internet access.
1. Download "MalwareBytes" on the secondary computer. Click this link to download.
2. Copy the MalwareBytes installer onto a USB drive (or external hard drive).
3. Connect the drive to the infected computer and copy MalwareBytes onto the desktop.
4. Install MalwareBytes on the infected computer.
5. Run MalwareBytes and perform a "Quick Scan".
6. Remove any threats it has detected and restart if required.

1. Perform a full scan on MalwareBytes, ensuring you are scanning C: drive.

1. Find the "MalwareBytes" folder in the start menu.
2. Click on "MalwareBytes Chameleon".
The rest of the steps should be self-explanatory.

If you do not have a secondary computer or have inquires, please do not be hesitate to ask!
Or if your computer is still infected after performing all the steps, please inform me!

Thank you,
Mosaic Mars

Pardon, but I don't understand. So your internet connection works, but only does not work when you attempt to download Norton ? And the malware is still present and you can't run Malwarebytes or another AV ?

You may also try System Restore though you did say the problem started with the upgrade. Another thought is to make an ISO and do a clean install if all else fails.

Windows 10

Hi there


Regarding Malwarebytes -- you might like to refer to my previous post on this subject :

Even Malwarebytes couldn't handle this problem - Windows 10 blog

I've sent details to Malwarebytes --let's see if they can come up with a solution !!

Some of the latest infections will not show up on any AV scan, task lists, installed programs etc. You can recognize these as your browser may suddenly open a different web page, or popup loads of adverts. In some cases you might even see that SCAM with a popup saying your computer is infected with Malware --ring this number xxxx to fix. DON'T DO IT -- IT's A SCAM.

The only 100% solution unfortunately is to FORMAT ALL HDD's completely that the infected computer has access to and re-install from SCRATCH your OS. These types of infections can hide themselves on ANY HDD not necessarily the OS Disk so the only way to be really rid is to re-format THE LOT !!!.

If you have guaranteed CLEAN backups then you can restore those (BOTH OS AND DATA) but the chances are this won't always clear the infection.

Until people like Malwarebytes get their act together a bit more their product is no better than just leaving Windows defender itself running.

again DO NOT RELY 100% ON AV SOFTWARE PROTECTING YOUR MACHINE. You are more likely to keep a safe machine by using safe surfing principles . BE CAREFUL WHAT SITES YOU VISIT AND WHAT YOU DOWNLOAD.

Perversely most Torrent sites are reasonably safe for Video and music !!! in any case the well known torrent sites themselves are reasonably good at policing themselves -- they LOSE if their sites become known as Malware sources.

(In fact I'm rather surprised that Hollywood itself doesn't try and deliberately infect some of its movies with malware and upload to torrents !!!! that would certainly combat a lot of piracy).

So again Malwarebytes is USELESS against this latest source of attack -- you will have to wait for the NEXT GENERATION of AV software to gain protection from some of these really deep seated and embedded bits of malware etc.


Malware Messed with my Browsers...