My computer is endlessly giving me the message "you need to fix your microsoft account for apps on your devices to be able to launch apps and continue experiences on this device"
I have clicked on it and it takes me to the "Change privacy options" settings page. The only slider not previously active was for "Let apps on my other devices use Bluetooth to open apps and continue experiences on this device", which I have now turned on. When I click on the message, a web windows tried to open, but it flickers in and out of existence whilst showing on "Please wait".
I am using Windows 10 Pro build 10.0.14393. I feel like this message only started appearing upon a recent upgrade brought about by being in the 'slow ring' of releases.
I get this notification every few minutes and it is very irritating. Please help.
Make sure you can sign-in to your Microsoft account.
I can sign it with it fine as far as I am aware.
Same here. After upgrading to Win10 anniversary (v. 1607) this pesky pop up started coming up every time a user logs in and then repeats after 10 minutes or so. There's also this annoying sound that's associated with it:
The thing is that I do not use Microsoft account to log in. All log-ins are local accounts. No email attached to them.
If anyone figures out how to get rid of this annoyance please post it here?
Yes add me this is very aggravating for me too as I use only Local accounts
In my case, since I use no email account associated with Windows 10, I clicked on the reminder that took me to a page where there were some settings I don't remember what they all were only 3 or 4 I turned them off, end of Issue for me at least
Create a Microsoft Account, then Sign-in.
See if that helps.
Well I have no use for taking my desktop or notebook online. I won't use one drive, Skype or so far any Metro Apps.
I have multiple Microsoft Accounts all for different purposes.
I also have a very good reason for not wanting to have my computers logging in online to operate. I work remotely where Internet connections are very poor to none existent, Wasting bandwidth at those location is just not possible. I really just want my computers running locally at home, in my own network and offshore completely local.
In my case, I am fine with logging in, and as far as I am aware, I have no issues with my account. Any other ideas?
I am also seeing this. I only wish to sign in using a local account, not a Microsoft account. I would love to hear a solution to disabling this notification.
Well, MS obviously thinks you all have a MS account that needs fixing. So, do any of you receive Insider Builds and/or sign into a specific app with a MS account login (like the Xbox app for example)? I use a local account (no login required) but I do login to certain apps as required: