This is a forum devoted to sorting out bugs and making suggestions to improve the O/S.
Yet no statistics have as yet been posted as to what contributions members are proud to have made.
I`ll start the ball rolling....
Puzzled and bemused....What purpose is the release of Insider O/S,s by Microsoft other than hoping for FEEDBACK by those participating.
Yet not one response on the subject.
Can only assume the average Insider is afraid of missing out on anything new, or are only interested in what they can or cannot do with the latest O/S purely from a personal point of view.
I just noticed this thread so I've not had a chance to reply. But I do send feedback, not as much as you do but I do.
Nice to hear from a real interested Insider participant....from an M$ perspective you are a valuable asset.
Its not the amount of feedback that's important....its the interest in sorting out bugs and constructive suggestions to its future direction.
This is my feedback stats.
Terrific upvotes on your feedback per cent wise....knocks mine into a cocked hat.
I'm just glad that MS is allowing us to help make Windows 10 the best OS ever. The way I see it is, without our feedback how is MS going to know what needs to be fixed, improved or added. I'm surprised that more Insiders haven't responded to this post.
I wonder just how many insiders are left. It seems that from the threads that announce the new builds there are a lot fewer members posting findings, etc. So seeing very little input here is no surprise to me.
I suspect there is a large base of insiders but you couldn't tell it from here.
Personally I think many are posting in the Windows 10 News section rather than in the Windows Insider section. And it could be the confusion that is apparent in many postings between the RTM/Released version and the Insider Preview version.
Could be but the level of posts for insider builds were in the news section before and the participation was much higher.