
Cannot sign into my own account, need to recover data

Quick backstory, I was having game crashes, was told maybe changing a setting in xbox app would help, so i made a burner account (irrecoverable email and password) to quickly change settings, not realizing that my computer would now become a 'microsoft account' instead of local -.-.

So now I have no way of recovering the login info, and I cannot access my account with all of my work data that I didn't have backed up.

In order to even access my computer, I booted an ISO image, and used command prompt to create a new admin account and that's what I'm currently using.

I just want get control of the user again, but I can't seem to figure out how to hard reset the password without going through the live.com site or whatever (which I can't because both the email and pw are long gone).

First off, I would just like to say that I'm incredibly disappointed that Microsoft has this little awareness (although I'm not surprised), taking complete control away from the user like this without asking. Also trying their ass off in every update to revert privacy changes and reinstall things that I have specifically uninstalled, including all of their retarded apps and what not. I'll stop there, but I could go on and on.

Anyway, embarrassments aside, please help.

I could really use some help with this. I need the information for some of my work material, and it's very, very important. I'm going to be up until 9am doing the work if I was to access it now. I truly would be very grateful for any help with this.

Just to clarify you are signed on to your PC with a local administrator account and you want to gain access to your documents in the other account?

In that case you could take ownership of the other accounts files and then grant your new account authority.

While signed on as your new account, from an elevatedcommand prompt, enter the following changing only the bits in red (leave the USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%exactly as it is - don't try to replace it with anything)

takeown  /f  "C:UsersOldUserName" /r  icacls       "C:UsersOldUserName" /grant "%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%":(F) /t
You can then copy your documents to your new account and delete the old one if you want.

Would be easier than trying to reset the password I'd have thought.

Elevated Command Prompt - Open in Windows 10 - Windows 10 blog

So i did this, but I'm not sure what happened. I saw a lot of things being copied on the prompt, but I'm not sure where to find what I'm looking for. Specifically firefox db keys and soforth.

Can you tell me what exactly this did, and how I can go about accessing the data? Sorry this is all new to me.

Nevermind, folders were hidden.

So. If I delete this profile, will it also delete all the data associated with it? Don't really want to have double dipping files on my computer.

You need to copy everything you want from your old profile to your new one before you delete it.

All the commands do is let you access what was stored under the old user profile (they take ownership of the main user directory and everything in it and then grant authority to the new user as that is who you are signed on as).

Probably the best approach is to leave it for a few days until you are sure everything on your new profile is working and you have definitely copied all the documents you need to your new profile. Then you can backup your system and delete the old profile.

It would be better imo to delete it eventually as then you don't have duplicate stuff cluttering up your disk (which is a waste of space and more importantly could be confusing) but you could leave it forever if you wanted.

Cannot sign into my own account, need to recover data