
Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10586.71

Downloading now.

I'm downloading it now

Now, lets see whats new!

Just checked my phone. Download in progress.

I received an error. Resetting the phone and will try again

I received an error. Resetting the phone and will try again
I'm getting the same error. The last update took 3 or 4 tries before it installed. I'm on my second try.

I tried 5 times, then gave up and reset. Downloading update again

I'm up to 4% install. Hope I don't have to try 5 times.

I tried 5 times, then gave up and reset. Downloading update again
I'm up to 4% install. Hope I don't have to try 5 times.
Did you guys re-enroll on the Insider App?

Announcing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10586.71