A number of major news websites have seen adverts hijacked by a malicious campaign that attempts to install “ransomware” on users computers
The attack, which was targeted at US users, hit websites including the New York Times, the BBC, AOL and the NFL over the weekend. Combined, the targeted sites have traffic in the billions of visitors.
Large Angler Malvertising Campaign Hits Top Publishers | Malwarebytes Labs
Time to install Malwarebytes anti Ransomware. Thanks for the information
Thanks for the heads up
I missed it, all links are already down, I was looking forward to some testing.
Here is the link.
Introducing Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware - Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware Beta - Malwarebytes blog
I meant links for ransomware, not anti-ransomware.
Sorry, I thought about that after I posted it.
Do I take it that it runs automatically ? Like a real-time-protection-style ?
Yes, I have it installed and it looks like this when you open it.
I had it installed and afterwards, it opened up and told me I was protected. I did not read everything it said, and I "x" it out.
NOW, I tried to open its desktop shortcut, but it will not open.
*** adding : I went to its file location > right click at the exe > click Send to > desktop shortcut..
Then I tried to open the exe shortcut, it will not open.
I have Malwarebytes free edition installed. Does that mean something. Perhaps a conflict ?