
Bing Updates Image Search for Office and Edge

The Bing search team works hard to provide access to all of Bing’s great functionality across many Microsoft applications. And today we’re releasing upgrades to features for Office, Microsoft Edge and Bing that will help you search for the perfect image, as well as explore more about the images you discover.


Looking for the perfect picture to add to your Office 2013 and 2016 documents? The Bing Images team, in close partnership with the Office team, created a simpler, more robust image-search experience for PowerPoint, Outlook, Word, Excel, InfoPath, OneNote, Publisher and Visio.

To try it out, just open any of those Office applications, such as Word, and click the “Insert” tab at the top of the application, then select “Online Pictures.” From there you’ll have the option to search for an image, and in return receive a grid of thumbnail images along with filters to narrow your search. To see the source and size of the image, just hover over it. You can view images that have been tagged as subject to certain license restrictions, or view all web images, depending on your needs and circumstances. You can then select an image that works for your particular situation by clicking on it and selecting the “Insert” button.

Click hereto learn more about copyright and other intellectual property considerations.

Microsoft Edge

Originally, Ask Cortana was available only for text-related actions in the Microsoft Edge browser. Now, you can use Ask Cortana when right-clicking on images to get instant results without leaving the page. Right click on an image in Microsoft Edge, select the option to “Ask Cortana” (or “Bing Lookup” if Cortana is not enabled) and you’ll see all the information Bing has about that image. You’ll get image dimensions and other sizes available, related images, related searches and more. If the image is a product, it displays places to buy that product, and recipes display for food items.

Bing Image Match

We’ve also updated Bing Image Match. Now, when you visit you can use the “Image Match” button next to the search box to upload an image from your computer or one you found on the web and get even more details returned about that image.

Once you’ve had a chance to try out these new features, let us know what you think by using the feedback button on the lower-right of the screen, or share an idea and vote for others at Bing Listens.

Happy image searching!

– The Bing Image Team

Bing Updates Image Search for Office and Edge | Bing Search Blog

I just tried it Shawn.
How cool!

I just tried it Shawn.
How cool!

Same here that is good will be using it a lot more
Also the Contana App now when you right click pretty cool

Great and very useful feature, thank you Brink, though i cannot find that “Image Match” button in Bing, could it only be for the USA users?


Great and very useful feature, thank you Brink, though i cannot find that “Image Match” button in Bing, could it only be for the USA users?
Probably only US... But it may work if you set your region to us even in other country if you want to use cortana.

@Cliff S, what are your language and country/region settings?

As I'm an American living in Germany(27 years now), I have mine set to US English/German keyboard.

Very cool, just tried it

Probably only US... But it may work if you set your region to us even in other country if you want to use cortana.
Thank you VBs, i think i will leave it this way, I want it set in my own region.

Bing Updates Image Search for Office and Edge